WATSAN Officer
- Organization: IRC - International Rescue Committee
- Location: Lodwar
- Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
Occupational Groups:
- Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
- Closing Date: Closed
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises. It helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain controloftheirfuture.WehavebeenworkinginKenyasince1992,implementinghighlyeffectiveprograms inEconomicRecoveryandDevelopment(ERD),Women’sProtectionandEmpowerment,Protection,and Rule of Law, integrated healthcare, and nutrition across two refugee camps in Dadaab and Kakuma and three counties (Garissa, Turkana, and Nairobi). Through our ERD unit, we support refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable Kenyans in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area and Lodwar to gain economic stability and self-reliance.
Job Overview/Summary:
TheroleofWATSANOfficeristoensuresuccessfulimplementationandsupervisionofcommunitybased water supply and sanitation interventions in the target areas. Additionally, this position will support development of staff and community capacity building in water supply and sanitation operation, maintenanceandmanagement,participateinmobilizationofWASHresourcesandensureimplementation is done in close collaboration with program staff, the local community, the Local authority and other relevant agencies. The role will also involve to a large-scale technical designs of various WASH infrastructures,estimationofcosts,supportdevelopmentoftenderdocuments,bidreviewandevaluations, andgeneralconstructioncontractmanagementanddischargein accordancewithIRCandGoKacceptable standards and specifications. During implementation of project’s activities, the Officer will be required to provide feedback to relevant project partners and the Local authorities with an aim of improving overall WASH program quality.
The WATSAN Officer will identify and assess the key needs of WASH facilities and services to be addressed and whom to engage and develop an appropriate implementation strategy to either construct, rehabilitate or repair such facilities. They will ensure that an engagement approach to working with communitiesandthelocalauthorities,otherpartnersisemployed,andallactivitiesarecarriedoutinaway that is critical to community needs and promotes the full and equal participationof women, men, children and youth. Primary responsibilities include:
- Spearheadrapid/fieldneedsassessmentincludingBaselinesurveysinWASHactivitiesand determine most technically appropriate water supply and sanitation options.
- DesignanddeveloprelevantspecificationsforWASHinfrastructureincludingdesignreports, drawings, bills of quantities, technical specifications.
- Leadintheproposaldevelopmentforpotentialwatersupply,sanitationandhygieneinterventions.
- Support in undertaking Topographical Surveys and GIS activities, feasibility studies, water resource mapping, EIA support.
- Preparationoftenderdocumentsincludingtechnicalspecifications,billofquantities,drawings,and terms of reference.
- Superviseconstruction,repairandrehabilitationofwatersuppliessystemsandsanitationfacilities in strict adherence to the Kenya government regulations, WHO and the SPHERE standard.
- In collaboration withtheWASHofficer – hygiene,supportimplementation of hygienepromotion activities ensuring that technical and social aspects of water supply and sanitation are integrated.
- Working with the WASH Officer – Hygiene Promotion facilitate training WMCs, other Community structures (SMCs, CHWs, CHEWs, Youth Groups) and local authorities on operation/maintenance, management, and sustainability of WASH infrastructure.
- Buildthecapacityofstaff,CBOs,andWaterUsersCommitteestoeffectivelyrunWASHfacilities.
ProjectMonitoringand Evaluation
- Supervise WASH activities in strict adherence to IRC Kenya, Kenya government regulations, the donor’s guideline, and the SPHERE standards.
- Ensuretimelydeliveryofprojectsactivitiesandsuccessfulcompletionofconstructionworkswith submission of completion certificates to the Contractors.
- Ensure that up to date project documents are in place including approved work plans, log frame, detailed project implementation plan and financial forecasts Documentation of lessons learnt and good practices.
- Supervision of the construction processes of different water infrastructures to their completion including test pumping, interpretation of the test pumping data and water testing.
- Supportinthedevelopmentandimplementationofwatersafetyanddisasterriskmanagementplans for the water supply projects.
Fundraisingand Networking
- Supportinthedevelopmentoftechnicallysoundproposals.
- Developanddeliverinatimelymannerprogressreports,monthly,quarterly,semi-annualandend of projects reports.in accordance with donors’ and IRC Kenya requirements.
- Supportdevelopment,monitoringandevaluationWASHprojectindicatorsandstandards.
- Provideregularupdatereportsonwatersupplyandsanitationactivitiesandprogramprogress against work plan as maybe required.
- Maintain an up to-date activity tracking tool (soft copies and hard copies) of all water supply and sanitation infrastructure related activities.
- Activelyparticipateininter-sectoralactivities.
- Support WASHdepartmentin othertasks, rolesand, responsibilities as may be assignedto bythe supervisor.
- DegreeorequivalentexperienceinWaterEngineering,CivilandstructuralEngineering,orrelated field. A minimum of Three years’ experience working/programming in WASH, emergencies, relief,ordevelopmentincludingimplementingalarge-scalecommunity-basedwaterandsanitation project with evidence of successful implementation of similar projects.
- Minimumof3yearsrelevantworkexperienceinASAL.
- Strongskillsinconstructionandsupervisionofwatersupplyandsanitationfacilitiescrucial.
- Demonstratedskillsintechnicaldesignandcostingofcivilengineeringworksrelatedto community-based water supply and sanitation facilities.
- Experienceincommunityengagementapproaches,participatoryapproaches,andcommunity negotiation.
- Excellentverbalandwrittencommunicationskills.
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with a team.
- AbilitytoconductcommunityWASHneedsassessment,programplanning,implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of WASH activities.
- GoodunderstandingofSPHEREandotherhumanitarianstandards.
- Goodcomputerapplicationskills(MS-Office,CAD,applicationsoftwaretoengineeringdesigns)
- Experienceworkinginmulti-cultural(particularlypastoralistsinNorthernKenya),multi- disciplinary staff will be an advantage.
- arupdatereportsonwatersupplyandsanitationactivitiesandprogramprogressagainstworkplan as maybe required.
- Maintain an up to-date activity tracking tool (soft copies and hard copies) of all water supply and sanitation infrastructure related activities.
- Activelyparticipateininter-sectoralactivities.
- Support WASHdepartmentin othertasks, rolesand, responsibilities as may be assignedto bythe supervisor.
Standards of Professional Conduct: The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlinedinIRCWay-StandardsforProfessionalConduct.TheseareIntegrity,Service,Accountabilityand Equity. In accordance with these values, the IRCoperates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity Anti- Retaliation and Combating Trafficking in Persons.
GenderEquality:IRCiscommittedtonarrowingthegendergapinleadershippositions.Weofferbenefits that provide an enabling environment for women to participate in our workforce including parental leave, gender-sensitive security protocols and other encouraging benefits and allowances.
Equal Opportunity Employer:IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex,color,religion,sexualorientation,age,marital status,veteranstatus, ordisability.Wewill ensurethat individualswithdisabilitiesareprovidedreasonableaccommodationtoparticipateinthejobapplicationor interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.
Kenyan nationals are encouraged to apply. International allowances are not available for this position. Salary and employee benefits are compliant to the Kenyan NGO Sector.
Commitment to Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: The IRC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRC persons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women, people that are from country and communities we serve, and people who identify as races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.