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National Field Officer


  • Organization: UNV - United Nations Volunteers
  • Location: Bogotá
  • Grade: Volunteer - National Specialist - Locally recruited Volunteer
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Civil Society and Local governance
    • Protection Officer (Refugee)
  • Closing Date: Closed


Mission and objectives

En agosto de 2012, el Gobierno de Colombia y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) iniciaron conversaciones para lograr un acuerdo de paz. A petición de las partes, una Misión política especial fue establecida mediante la Resolución 2261 (2016) del Consejo de Seguridad, la cual está conformada por personal civil y observadores internacionales desarmados. A partir de allí, la Misión tenía como mandato verificar la dejación de las armas bilateralmente con las FARC-EP y, participar como componente internacional (CI-ONU) en el Mecanismo tripartito de Monitoreo y Verificación (MM&V) del cese al fuego y de hostilidades bilateral y definitivo. Este mandato concluyo el 25 de septiembre del 2017.
En junio de 2017, el Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP solicitaron al Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidades la aprobación de una segunda misión política ONU, para un periodo de tres años. En julio de 2017, el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas aprobó la resolución 2366 (2017), estableciendo una segunda misión política (Misión de Verificación) para un periodo inicial de 12 meses a partir del 26 de septiembre del 2017, con el mandato de verificar la implementación por partes del Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP de las secciones 3.2 y 3.4 del Acuerdo Final ( Proceso de Reincorporación política, económica, y social de las FARC-EP y Garantías de Seguridad personales y colectivas para las FARC-EP y programas de seguridad para comunidades,). En el periodo de transición entre julio y septiembre 2017, la Misión inicio actividades provisionales relacionadas con su siguiente mandato, planteando la tarea de reportar los avances iniciales al Consejo de Seguridad.


On May 11, 2021, the United Nations Security Council, through Resolution 2574 (2021), decided to grant the request of the Government of Colombia and extended the tasks of the Mission to also include verifying compliance and implementation of sanctions imposed by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace on individuals who have acknowledged detailed and full truth and responsibility before the chambers of this Special Jurisdiction.

In October 2022, the United Nations Security Council, reaffirming its full commitment to the peace agreement in Colombia, extended the mandate of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia until October 31, 2023, through Resolution 2655 (2022).
On January 11, 2023, the United Nations Security Council, through Resolution 2673 (2023), decided to grant the request of the Government of Colombia and expanded the tasks of the Mission to include, in addition to verifying points 3.2, 3.4, and the specific sanctions, the implementation of point 1 and point 6.2 of the Final Agreement.

Task description

Within the framework of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Regional, Subregional, or Local Team Leader or their designated representative, the UN Volunteer will carry out the following tasks:
• Frequently visit meeting areas and nearby towns to become familiar with the dynamics operating on the ground to gather concerns and identify the challenges faced by the signatory parties and affected communities;
• Build strong and productive relationships with the parties, local actors, and communities, in coordination with Public Information Officers and the heads of Regional Offices;
• Support regional, subregional, and local teams in the implementation of their activities related to the Mission's mandate, including aspects related to engagement with the parties and communities, monitoring and verification activities, maintaining databases, and preparing reports; observing, gathering information, receiving needs from the parties and affected communities, monitoring incidents and alleged violations of the Final Agreement, and recommending and implementing preventive and corrective actions;
• Assist in analyzing parameters of murders and threats based on the context of armed groups and dynamics present in the region;
• Support the preparation and analysis of monthly, bi-weekly, and daily reports;
• Assist in building and maintaining relationships with civilian and military/police authorities involved in security guarantees for former FARC-EP combatants and communities most affected by the conflict;
• Support monitoring institutional commitments in reincorporation, including assistance in implementing sustainability indicators for economic projects and systematizing indicators for each project;
• Assist in monitoring the activities of the COMUNES party (former FARC party), analyzing their actions, strengths, and weaknesses, supporting the engagement of the COMUNES party at the regional and local levels with the national party bodies;
• Support monitoring economic reintegration projects for former FARC-EP combatants implemented by the Mission and through governmental and non-governmental entities and international cooperation, to promote their swift execution and alert to difficulties or delays encountered;
• Assist in creating communication pieces and products needed for education and dissemination of peace and reconciliation proposals;
• Support the Mission's participation in institutional spaces such as Municipal Peace Councils and reconciliation processes promoted for Mission support;
• Serve as a liaison between UN counterparts and other actors present in the area of responsibility;
• Analyze and report on the Mission's mandate and the scope of its activities;
• Perform additional functions, if necessary, based on criteria established by the person in charge of leading the team.
• Furthermore, UN Volunteers are required to:- Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day)- Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country- Provide annual and end of assignment reports on UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities using UNV’s Volunteer Reporting Application- Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.- Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UN Volunteers- Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.
This vacancy is now closed.