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  • Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
  • Location: Suva
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Environment
    • Climate Change
  • Closing Date: Closed



The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page. 

  • Title- Consultant for preparing adaptation concept notes for Fiji
  • Project: FJ23 Fiji Adaptation Investment Pipeline – Development of 5 adaptation Concept Notes for the Climate Change Division in Fiji: Part A – Three flood mitigation related concept notes, and Part B – Two concept notes, one on retrofitting vulnerable community housing for sustainability and Category 5 cyclone resilience and one on mangroves for coastal resilience (Applicants can apply for both part A and B, or either part. There is flexibility in Part B for the applicant to apply for one out of the two concepts if they are not qualified to deliver both)
  • Duty Station: Suva, Fiji
  • Contract Duration: 24 February 2025 – 31 August 2025
  • Number of Workdays Estimated (internal purpose only): 100 days
  • Consultant Level: 4
  • Total Fees: Part A- USD 24,000; Part B -16,000 USD



This assignment does not cover stay and travel within Suva. If the applicant is not Suva-based, they are to personally bear their stay and travel expenses for the project period)

The concepts are not yet identified for a specific donor or fund

There is flexibility for applicants to apply for Domestic field travel to be covered separately as per GGGI rules. Field visits are not expected for every concept note, only where it is deemed required, this will be decided in coordination with the GGGI project manager.



Fiji became a member of GGGI in 2014, and the GGGI office in Fiji was established in 2015 in Suva and is based within the Ministry of Finance, Strategic Planning, National Development & Statistics (MoFSPNDS). GGGI is currently supporting the Ministry of Finance, the Climate Change Division (CCD) under the Ministry of Environment, among other key government stakeholders.

Fiji, as a Small Island Developing State, faces extreme climate vulnerability. The Fijian Government recognizes the importance of adapting to climate change and coordinating climate change related adaptation policies, strategies, plans and activities to reduce the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of Fiji’s communities to the impacts of climate change and disasters.

Fiji has put in place its National Climate Finance Strategy outlining its climate finance mobilization priorities across target sectors. Significant external financial and technical support is needed to achieve its adaptation and mitigation targets. Fiji has received support from NDC Partnership (NDCP) to develop an Adaptation Investment Pipeline through various supporting components including policy and planning and capacity building on adaptation finance, with GGGI as the delivery partner. It will enable the Fiji government to strengthen its adaptation pipeline of projects. It could also eventually feed into pipelines of national frameworks such as the upcoming National Adaptation Plan revision. The Climate Change Division (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in Fiji is the focal point coordinating climate finance in the country and the government focal for this assignment.

One component of this programme is preparing 5 Concept Notes to be pitched to bilateral or multilateral donors. GGGI has 5 project ideas to be designed – three on flood management, one on resilient housing for vulnerable people, and one on mangroves for coastal resilience. GGGI has done a set of initial consultations with CCD and stakeholders to gather government interest in taking forward the ideas – the consultant will therefore have an initial base of project idea descriptions to start off with.

Since the identified project ideas are currently not targeted to specific funders, the consultant will deliver the concept notes in GGGI’s Project Information Template (Information fields in the PIN are stipulated below in ‘Proposed Activities: Activity 2’). If during the course of the assignment the consultant identifies potentially applicable financing facilities or interested funders, CN templates and requirements of that particular facility or funder should be used. This will be discussed and agreed with GGGI.

In the Inception period, the consultant is expected to scope the project ideas in detail with the concerned ministries and stakeholders through one to one meetings, and arrive at an agreement on a specific, narrow scope with GGGI. There are other ongoing channels where adaptation project ideas are being developed, both internally within GGGI (e.g. GCF Adaptation Readiness project) and externally via CCD and development partners. The consultant will coordinate closely with concerned stakeholders to identify synergies and avoid duplication in scope.



The consultant will carry out the following activities and deliverables. Regular catchups with GGGI will take place to discuss progress and troubleshoot issues. Draft outputs will be reviewed by GGGI team before finalization.  

PART A - Three flood mitigation related concept notes 

  1. Activity 1 - Inception phase: Develop an approach, methodology, workplan: The consultant is expected to formulate a clear, detailed methodology and workplan with timelines. A review of the existing project ideas to understand their current broad scope should be undertaken, and opportunities to be explored in the Fiji context during design should be outlined. Conversations with the GGGI focal point will support this phase.  

Deliverable 1: Inception Report* detailing approach, methodology and workplan for the assignment  

  1. Activity 2: Develop three draft concept notes on flood mitigation: In close consultation with relevant key stakeholders – primarily CCD and Ministry of Waterways - draft the three concept notes using GGGI’s PIN template (unless otherwise agreed). Engagement with wider GGGI staff and development partners will be important in shaping project design, so as to leverage government contacts/ outreach underway, assess complementarities and synergies. The CNs should align well to government priorities and local adaptation needs – in some cases engaging with provincial governments may be needed. GGGI will make necessary introductions, however the consultant is expected to proactively connect with new stakeholders where necessary for developing the project design.  


Regular consultations with stakeholders during the assignment to test ideas, gather inputs and share progress is essential. A workshop is not expected for each concept, however pre-feasibility results should be presented to stakeholders for validation bilaterally or via small group meetings. The draft Concept notes should be shared with key Government agencies for feedback.  

While it is noted that the concept notes will be developed based on available data, they must contain the following information required in the PIN template: a detailed project description and justification, outputs and outcomes, project context, theory of change and logical framework, high level technical pre-feasibility assessment, preliminary economic assessment, project sustainability, project management, budget and potential financing structure (Depth of pre-feasibility analysis and economic assessment shall be decided in agreement with GGGI during inception based on sector data available). Drafts of the theory of change, logframe, pre-feasibility or other sections should be shared with GGGI on a rolling basis as and when they are ready, for internal review. GGGI will assist in acquiring data from government sources where necessary. Primary data collection is not expected, however the consultant should highlight gaps in data required to strengthen the concept further. 

Two of the project ideas have an existing base of evidence in the form of high level preliminary analysis and writeups. It requires redesign, revision, new analysis and updating based on findings from the design process.  


Deliverable 2. Three draft Concept notes submitted in agreed templates 

  1. Activity 3: Finalise the three concept notes in co-ordination with Government and GGGI: Government and GGGI feedback should be incorporated and final concept notes approved by CCD and GGGI . Debrief with the GGGI team on learnings and any new potential project ideas that may have emerged during the course of the assignment.  


Deliverable 3. Three final Concept notes  


Part B - Two concept notes - one on retrofitting vulnerable community housing for sustainability and Category 5 cyclone resilience, and one on mangrove restoration for coastal resilience 

  1. Activity 1 - Inception phase: Develop an approach, methodology, workplan: The consultant is expected to formulate a clear, detailed methodology and workplan with timelines. A review of the existing project ideas to understand their current broad scope should be undertaken, and opportunities to be explored in the Fiji context during design should be outlined. Conversations with the GGGI focal point will support this phase.  


Deliverable 4: Inception Report* detailing approach, methodology and workplan for the assignment  

  1. Activity 2: Develop two draft concept notes on resilient housing and mangrove restoration: In close consultation with relevant key stakeholders – primarily CCD, Ministry of Housing, National Council for Persons with Disabilities - draft the concept notes using GGGI’s PIN template (unless otherwise agreed). Engagement with wider GGGI staff and development partners will be important in shaping project design, so as to leverage government contacts/ outreach underway, assess complementarities and synergies. The CNs should align well to government priorities and local adaptation needs – in some cases engaging with provincial governments may be needed. GGGI will make necessary introductions, however the consultant is expected to proactively connect with new stakeholders where necessary for developing the project design.  


Regular consultations with stakeholders during the assignment to test ideas, gather inputs and share progress is essential. A workshop is not expected for each concept, however pre-feasibility results should be presented to stakeholders for validation bilaterally or via small group meetings. The draft Concept notes should be shared with key Government agencies for feedback.  

While it is noted that the concept notes will be developed based on available data, they must contain the following information required in the PIN template: a detailed project description and justification, outputs and outcomes, project context, theory of change and logical framework, high level technical pre-feasibility assessment, preliminary economic assessment, project sustainability, project management, budget and potential financing structure (Depth of pre-feasibility analysis and economic assessment shall be decided in agreement with GGGI during inception based on sector data available). Drafts of the theory of change, logframe, pre-feasibility or other sections should be shared with GGGI on a rolling basis as and when they are ready, for internal review. GGGI will assist in acquiring data from government sources where necessary. Primary data collection is not expected, however the consultant should highlight gaps in data required to strengthen the concept further. 

Both concepts have an existing base of evidence in the form of high level preliminary analysis. They require redesign, revision, new analysis and updating based on findings from the design process.  


Deliverable 5. Two draft Concept notes submitted in agreed templates 

  1. Activity 3: Finalise the two concept notes in co-ordination with Government and GGGI: Government and GGGI feedback should be incorporated and final concept notes approved by CCD and GGGI . Debrief with the GGGI team on learnings and any new potential project ideas that may have emerged during the course of the assignment.

Deliverable 6. Two final Concept notes

*If the same consultant is hired to do both Part A and Part B, then one inception report is sufficient.  




Due Date 

% of Payment 

PART A- Three flood mitigation related concept notes, USD 24,000 

Deliverable 1: Inception report detailing approach, methodology, workplan for the assignment  

24 March 2025 


Deliverable 2. Three draft Concept notes submitted in agreed templates 

23 June 2025 


Deliverable 3. Three final Concept notes 

29 August 2025 


PART B- Two concept notes - one on retrofitting vulnerable community housing for sustainability and Category 5 cyclone resilience, and one on mangrove restoration for coastal resilience, USD 16,000 

Deliverable 4: Inception report detailing approach, methodology, workplan for the assignment  

24 March 2025 


Deliverable 5. Two draft Concept notes submitted in agreed templates 

23 June 2025 


Deliverable 6. Two final Concept notes 

29 August 2025 



  • Master’s degree in a relevant field  
  • Minimum 5 to 8 years relevant professional experience in related assignments like developing climate concept notes/ proposal submissions in Fiji or in Pacific countries  
  • Demonstrated working knowledge of adaptation issues and adaptation financing in Fiji, particularly: 
  • In the flood management sector for Part A; and  
  • In the resilient housing and coastal resilience sectors for Part B  
  • Demonstrated experience working with working with the Fiji government and international development organizations  
  • Demonstrated understanding of concept note development cycle and processes 
  • Fluency in English, with excellent written English  


  • Applications must include: 
    1. A curriculum vitae describing education, latest suitable experience and career achievements;  
    2. A cover letter of no more than 2 pages that demonstrates how the candidate’s qualifications and experience meets the assignment requirements, and which sector concept notes they can cover;  
    3. Samples/ links of previous concept notes or proposals developed  
  • The above must be sent in English. A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.  
  • Date to close is 6 February, 2025, 11:59PM Korean Standard Time (KST). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment.  

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Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This vacancy is now closed.