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Project Analyst on Human Rights and Access to Justice


  • Organization: UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
  • Location: Tashkent
  • Grade: Junior level - NPSA-8, National Personnel Services Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
    • Legal - Broad
    • Legal - International Law
    • Human Rights
    • Project and Programme Management
    • Peace and Development
  • Closing Date: Closed

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

The underlying idea of the Project is strengthening the rule of law and access to justice for vulnerable groups of the population, especially in rural and remote areas, by enhancing capacities of free legal aid providers, the Ombudsperson office, and justice sector actors as well as by improving their cooperation with civil society and non-governmental organizations to protect and promote human rights effectively. Project activities will focus on promoting human rights among vulnerable groups of population by strengthening capacities of Ombudsperson office in Uzbekistan as well as CSO focused on provision of free legal aid. Provision of free legal aid by CSOs (as well as other free legal aid providers) aims to ensure accessibility of justice. When working with free legal aid providers, emphasis will be given to promoting human rights, youth, gender equality and women empowerment especially in rural areas. Project also aims to digitalize the provision of free legal aid by supporting development of free legal aid system that will increase transparency and accountability of involved players. This system (after its introduction and wide usage) will be used for conducting regular legal needs analyses of vulnerable groups of population. Results of the legal needs analyses will be used to develop proposals and suggestions to government on improving human rights protection in Uzbekistan. The developed proposals and suggestions will be conveyed to government via national partners of the project: a) Ministry of justice and b) Ombudsperson office in Uzbekistan. 

Therefore, Project takes a cross-sectoral approach among various human rights institutions and justice actors to strengthen the rule of law and human rights, building on current national priorities in the rule of law. 

The Project Key Outcome is (UNDP Output): “Access to justice in Uzbekistan is adequately observed and promoted, leading to an enhanced trust in the rule of law with a positive impact on poverty reduction and addressing inequalities”. It will be achieved through the following three outcomes and indicative activities:

Outcome 1: (UNDP Key Results Activity) Legal and institutional foundations for the provision of primary and secondary free legal aid are set/established in line with human rights standards.

Outcome 2: (UNDP Key Results Activity) Capacities of Ombudsperson's office in Uzbekistan strengthened to promote and protect human rights of vulnerable groups.

Outcome 3: (UNDP Key Results Activity) Capacities of the civil society enhanced to promote inclusive access to justice and human rights for all (esp. women, youth and people with disabilities).

The Project's Strategy is also aligned with the Strategic Priority A ('Effective governance and justice for all') of the Outcome 1 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for 2021-2025 that aims 'By 2025, all people and groups in Uzbekistan, especially the most vulnerable, demand and benefit from enhanced accountable, transparent, inclusive and gender-responsive governance systems and the rule of law institutions for a life free from discrimination and violence. 

Project activities also correspond to Output 1.1 of the UNDP Country program document for Uzbekistan (CPD 2021–2025) 'Institutions equipped with effective anti-corruption tools, enabled to expand access to justice and enhance social cohesion.

The proposed Project will leverage UNDP's mandate and current engagement in the rule of law, governance and justice sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan and capitalize on progress, best practices and lessons learned generated under the 'Accelerate structural transformations for sustainable development' outcome of the UNDP Strategic Plan for Uzbekistan for 2018-2021.

UNDP is a gender-responsive organization and gender equality is prioritized within all its implementations.

Duties and Responsibilities
  • Project implementation:
    • Provide support to project in implementing the annual work plans and ensure compliance with the milestones and delivery targets of the project;
    • Manage project activities related to provision of free legal aid to fulfill the outcomes and objectives as set out in the Project document and undertakes day-to-day responsibility for the satisfactory achievement and implementation of the related project outputs;
    • Engage in conducting needs assessment of vulnerable groups of populations (with a special focus on women, youth, people with disabilities) in accessing justice, as well as in mapping of existing free legal aid providers to identify their needs, capacities, coverage, specialization, etc. including educational needs of staff of free legal aid providers to develop and organize training programmes for staff of primary and secondary free legal aid providers;
    • Provide technical support in researching and preparing a paper on best foreign/international experience in establishing free legal aid mechanisms, in ensuring the sustainability of free legal aid providers, etc., to develop proposals for improvement of draft law on FLA and/or to develop regulatory rules needed for effective implementation of FLA law;
    • Ensure constant and systematic liaison with experts of Rule of Law Center (Finland) on the project activities in the area of human rights and access to justice to obtain support and guidance needed for effective implementation of the related project activities, including but not limited to organization of events with participation of experts from Rule of Law Center (Finland);
    • Familiarize him/herself with the international experience on the organizing monitoring visits to various types of correctional facilities (prisons, residential institutions, Juvenile detention centers, facilities for people with mental disabilities as well as on issues of expert assessment of cases of torture to develop (and/or prepare proposals for improving) tools and methodologies for such monitoring visits for Ombudsperson office in Uzbekistan;
    • Establish effective interaction/exchange of information with the free legal aid providers on regular basis ensure proper dissemination of information on activities of FLA providers as well as to identify challenges and bottlenecks in implementation of the FLA law and appropriate regulatory rule and to develop proposals for further improvement of FLA system in Uzbekistan;
    • Provide technical support and assistance to free legal aid providers, Ministry of Justice in establishing effective interaction and exchange of experience/information on FLA with counterparts from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, etc.;
    • Organize development of training and tutoring materials on human rights and access to justice (focusing on women rights, rights of people with disabilities as well as youth rights) for free legal aid providers and other project stakeholders; 
    • Design and implement comprehensive programmes of induction, training and professional development for all staff and regional representatives of Ombudsperson's office in Uzbekistan in the areas of a) human rights; b) preparation of reports on human rights protection; and c) developing new legislation aimed at implementation of U.N. treaty bodies recommendations (CCPR, CPRD, CEDAW, etc.) into national legislation of Uzbekistan;
    • Support design and implementation of the small grants programme for free legal aid providers;
    • Liaise with relevant stakeholders to obtain any support and guidance required for management and implementation of project activities related to human rights and access to justice;
    • Support Project Manager in drafting, updating and regularly reviewing project work plans; 
    • Assist in monitoring and ensuring efficient implementation of activities in accordance with the approved work plan, ensure best use of personnel and financial resources, and monitor progress against the initial quality criteria;
    • Provide inputs for annual reports, work plans and any other planning, monitoring documents required by the UNDP;
    • Participate in dissemination of information on project activities by supporting project staff in preparing briefs, memos, etc.;
    • Under the guidance of the Project Manger work in close collaboration with the Government counterparts, UNDP to exchange information and ensure consistent service delivery;
    • Support Project Manager in monitoring implementation of project outputs for adopting corrective measures in project implementation, when necessary, to ensure timely delivery of required inputs and achievement of results;
    • Support the project team in conducting advocacy and outreach activities, writing of success stories, press- releases, newspapers coverage, and other relevant PR campaigns;
    • Support Project Manager in monitoring financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports, including proper utilization of funds and delivery, budget revisions, availability of funds, reconciliation of accounts, establishment of internal control mechanisms;
    • Support Project Manager in maintaining project related information in corporate programmatic and financial management frameworks, up to date;
    • Assist Project Manager in preparing and submitting in a timely manner, other programmatic, and ensure that the reports meet corporate quality standards;
    • Be proactive in advising response to opportunities for resource mobilization and fundraising;
    • Organize workshops, seminars, and round tables to introduce project outputs to all stakeholders involved;
    • Liaise with other UNDP projects to implement possible synergies;
    • Undertake other tasks, necessary for successful management of the project, as required by the supervisor.


  • Operational Functions:
    • Plan and implement the work in accordance with the overall work plan using both human and financial resources available in the most effective and efficient way, elaborate and propose new schemes and effective ways to achieve target indicators;
    • Participate in elaboration and execution of the project's work plans, analyze emerging problems and propose adequate measures to ensure timely fulfilment of envisioned tasks;
    • Provide inputs for annual reports, work plans and any other planning, monitoring documents required by the UNDP;
    • Support Project specialist in monitoring implementation of the project outputs for adopting corrective measures in project implementation, when necessary, to ensure timely delivery of required inputs and achievement of results;
    • Ensure that all procurement, and tendering processes are organized and implemented in the most transparent way and in line with corporate and national regulations;
    • Undertake other tasks, necessary for successful management of the project, as required by the supervisor.


  • Knowledge Management:
    • Document lessons learned and best practices;
    • Access global best practices, share them with relevant local and international stakeholders and ensure their incorporation into the project implementation and design process;
    • Provide any other necessary support in coaching, guidance for the project staff that will boost their capacity to deliver results.

Institutional Arrangement

The Project Analyst on Human Rights and Access to Justice will work under the direct supervision of the Project Specialist. The Project Analyst will ensure delivery of outputs of the project related to human rights and access to justice in accordance with annual work plan and annual plan of activities of the Project through performing the required duties and responsibilities.

Core Competencies
  • Achieve Results:    
    • LEVEL 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline.
  • Think Innovatively:    
    • LEVEL 1: Open to creative ideas/known risks, is pragmatic problem solver, makes improvements.
  • Learn Continuously:    
    • LEVEL 1: Open minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback.
  • Adapt with Agility:    
    • LEVEL 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity/uncertainty, is flexible.
  • Act with Determination:    
    • LEVEL 1: Shows drive and motivation, able to deliver calmly in face of adversity, confident.
  • Engage and Partner:    
    • LEVEL 1: Demonstrates compassion/understanding towards others, forms positive relationships.
  • Enable Diversity and Inclusion:    
    • LEVEL 1: Appreciate/respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confront discrimination.
Cross-Functional & Technical competencies
  • Business Acumen:     
    • Ability to understand and deal with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome. 
    • Ability to make good judgments and quick decisions within such frameworks. 
    • Knowledge and understanding of the operational frameworks in the organization.
  • Knowledge Generation:    
    • Ability to research information and to turn it into useful knowledge, relevant for context, or responsive to a stated need.
    • Ability to apply existing concepts to new situations, and to develop new concepts to generate workable solutions and new approaches.
    • Knowledge of relevant concepts, conceptual models, and theories that can be useful in addressing new situations.
  • Monitoring & Evaluation:    
    • Ability to systematically monitor results of strategies, programmes, and activities with a view to make sure that they are being implemented effectively. 
    • Ability to provide managers and key stakeholders with regular feedback and reporting on the consistency or discrepancy between planned activities and programme management and results. 
    • Ability to make independent judgment of the management and results of strategies, programmes and activities based on set criteria and benchmark, keeping in mind the needs and concerns of client, current and upcoming. 
    • Knowledge and understanding of monitoring and evaluation frameworks, concepts, methodologies, systems, processes, and tools. 
    • Ability to make an independent judgement based on set criteria and benchmarks. 
    • Ability to anticipate client's upcoming needs and concerns.
  • Legal research:    
    • The ability to identify and retrieve information to support legal positions and corporate decision making from all relevant sources. In the UNDP context, this skill includes, amongst other things, proactive seeking of information in anticipation of the different angles that any given issue may present.
  • Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights:    
    • Human rights and digitalization.
  • Gender:    
    • Gender Equality and Institutional Transformation.
Required Skills and Experience 
  • Master’s Degree in law, legal studies, business administration, economics, and other related fields.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in combination with at least two years of experience will be given due consideration in lieu of Master’s Degree.
  • Minimum 2 years (with Bachelor’s Degree) of experience in the field of project implementation, analyses and drafting, development of concept notes on policies in various topics.
  • Previous experience with a development partner or government is a very strong advantage.

Required Skills:

  • Ability to use information and communication technology as a tool and resource.
  • Strong analytical, writing, presentation and communication skills.

Desired Skills:

  • Prior experience with UNDP projects would be an asset.
  • Proven experience and knowledge of the country’s institutional framework and legal policies would be desirable.
  • Result and client-orientations.
  • Basic understanding of development issues, governance reform, digital transformation issues is desirable.

Required Languages:

  • Fluency in English and Uzbek is required. 
  • Good command of the Russian language is required.


Official travel is expected in project target regions of Uzbekistan with performing the functions of the Project Analyst for this project.


Applicant information about UNDP rosters 
Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements. 
UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   
UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.  
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The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.
This vacancy is now closed.