Environmental and Social Specialist
- Organization: IRC - International Rescue Committee
- Location: Beirut
- Grade: Mid level - Mid level
Occupational Groups:
- Environment
- Climate Change
- Closing Date: Closed
The Environmental and Social Specialist (E&S Specialist) will lead, monitor and report on the implementation of the ESCP and ensure compliance of the project with the provisions of the relevant Environmental & Social instruments, including the Socio-economic Assessment, the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), the Labor Management Procedures (LMP) and the Medical Waste Management Plan.
Responsibilities of the E&S Specialist:
Monitoring and Reporting:
- Prepare and submit to the World Bank bi-yearly monitoring reports on the environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance of the Project, including but not limited to the implementation of the ESCP, status of preparation and implementation of E&S documents, stakeholder engagement activities, functioning of the grievance mechanism(s).
- Communicate any incident or accident to the Project which has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect on the environment, the affected communities, the public or workers including the risks specified in the environmental and social assessment within 48 hours. Prepare a report regarding the incident or accident, indicating immediate measures taken or that are planned to be taken to address it, propose any measures to prevent its recurrence, and any information provided by any contractor and supervising entity, as appropriate.
Assessment and Management of Environmental and social risks and impacts:
- Ensure adequate risk identification, management and reporting, in line with IRC’s Partner Project Capacity Review (PPCR) and act as the focal point for coordination, implementation and monitoring and documentation of the ESCP and its requirements and delegate specific tasks/areas as needed to the rest of the Project Team.
- Update, adopt, and implement, the Socio-economic Assessment (SEA) that has been prepared for the Project as needed, in a manner acceptable to the World Bank.
- As required throughout the project implementation screen any proposed subproject in accordance with the Socio-economic Assessment and incorporate the relevant aspects of the ESCP, including the relevant E&S documents and/or plans, and the Labor Management Procedures into the Enhancements Standard Procurement Documents (ESPD) specifications of the procurement documents and contracts with contractors, supervising firms.
Labor and Working Conditions:
- Update, adopt, and implement the Labor Management Procedures (LMP), the grievance mechanism for project workers, the occupational, health and safety (OHS) action plan and the IRC coordination Contingency Plan in coordination with HR and as needed.
Resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management:
- As Part of the Medical Waste Management Plan, coordinate the development and implementation of measures and procedures to manage healthcare waste, in a manner acceptable to the Bank.
- Coordinate the assessments of the Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) and Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs) to be supported under the project to document the status of implementation of medical waste management measures as per the national guidelines and WB requirements to be implemented and monitored throughout the project lifecycle.
- In coordination with the Operations unit, adopt and implement measures and actions to assess and manage traffic and road safety risks.
- Continuously monitor the risks and impacts to the community arising from the project activities and to IRC’s Environmental Policy which outlines its commitment to the responsible and efficient use of resources and respect for the environment.
- Develop and implement measures to address emergency events and ensure coordination with relevant stakeholders.
Community Health and Safety:
- In coordination with protection coordinators, prepare, adopt, and implement a stand-alone Gender-Based Violence Action Plan (GBV Action Plan), to assess and manage the risks of gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).
- Adopt and implement traffic and road safety monitoring and management measures throughout the project implementation.
- Develop and implement measures to address emergency events, taking into consideration the OHS, LMP and IRC contingency plan.
Stakeholder engagement and information disclosure:
- Coordinate the update (as needed), adaptation, and implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and its grievance mechanisms, including reporting and handling the investigation for SEA/SH allegations related to the project.
Capacity Support (Training):
- After the selection of implementing partners in coordination with partnership staff, assess capacities and facilitate training and ensure partners are supported as required, depending on capacity gaps. This may include; Administrative and financial management, Procurement, Environmental and Social Framework, SEA/SH prevention and control, Grievance Mechanism, Medical Waste Management, Occupational health and safety, Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning and Technical Quality
Key Working Relationships:
Position Reports to: World Bank Project Lead
Position directly supervises:N/A
Indirect Reporting: N/A
Other Internal and/or external contacts:
- Internal: IRC Lebanon Finance, Human Resources and Supply Chain Departments, Headquarters and Regional Grants and Compliance teams, Partnerships team, Programs teams and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning teams.
- External: Partner organizations.
The E&S Specialist is expected to have directly relevant work experience in environment and/or social risk management and assessment.
- Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Environmental Health, or related fields.
- 5 to 8 years of professional experience, with a minimum of 3 years overseeing environmental and social compliance of donors-funded development projects. Knowledge of the World Bank ESF is an asset.
- Proven experience in managing partnership relationships for large and/or complex donor-funded programs.
- Demonstrated expertise in interpreting and applying statutory and regulatory standards from international financial institutions, particularly for World Bank projects is highly preferred.
- Demonstrated experience in producing environmental and/or social reports is required.
- Experience working on SEA/SH prevention and control measures.
- Gender expertise or background to ensure adequate support during project implementation.
- Experience in dealing with social-related risks, including handling complaints systems;
- Ability to communicate ideas clearly and confidently, articulate issues and recommend solutions.
- Excellent command of English and Arabic, with strong reading, writing and speaking skills.
- Effective team player with experience working in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams, leading and motivating group efforts, and networking across boundaries.
- Prior experience in operating within complex and high-risk environments and managing the needs of multiple stakeholders.
Working Environment: The position will be based in the Beirut office