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Remote | Islamabad

  • Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
  • Location: Remote | Islamabad
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Communication and Public Information
  • Closing Date: Closed



The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page. 


The Paris Agreement provides a comprehensive framework for signatory Parties to reach an ambitious commitment to limit the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C, and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C in a cooperative manner. This framework covers several instruments including cooperative approaches under Article 6 which allows for the potential development of international carbon transactions. 

The Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German government, is a five year, 20M EUR program. Its objective is to use Article 6 (A6) cooperative approaches to engage the private sector in NDC implementation and to raise ambition. This will enable cost-efficient, flexible, high integrity carbon markets with positive sustainability impacts. Transformative design of A6 pilots for real transactions of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) will be enabled by research-based capacity building in four partner countries: Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zambia. The program consists of six work packages, of which two are centrally managed and four are country driven. In the first two, best practice tools and approaches to implement cooperative mechanisms will be developed, underpinned by an international forum – Community of Practice for Article 6 Implementing Countries (CoP-ASIC)- that brings together countries and practitioners, who share the common objective of raising ambition through markets. In-country implementation will focus on three areas of work in each of the four countries: 1) Long-term planning, 2) institutional readiness to transact and 3) pilot design and transactions. More than eight A6 pilot programs will be implemented in Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zambia based on a toolbox of innovative guidance and approaches for transformative A6 design. The project is implemented through a consortium led by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and consisting of UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC), Carbon Limits AS, GFA Consulting Group (GFA), and Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC). UNEP-CCC leads the technical support to Pakistan, while GFA supports the work.  The Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) is the country partner and will ensure the project is anchored politically for in-country implementation and regional outreach.

SPAR6C is seeking the support of a Communications Specialist to promote greater knowledge among key stakeholders and the public on the SPAR6C activities nationally and globally. The Communication Specialist’s role is to develop effective communications to inform, persuade, and engage stakeholders among businesses, federal and provincial government agencies, and financial institutions on Article 6 implementation and raise awareness among academic institutions, especially among young people and graduate students.  

The Communication Specialist shall support the outreach and dissemination activities under two SPAR6C work packages in Pakistan: 1) Work Package IV – Pakistan In-country Implementation and 2) Work and Package I - Community of Practice for Article 6 Implementing Countries (CoP-ASIC).  SPAR6C has already hired a government liaison/COP-ASIC national coordinator. The Communications Specialist is expected to work closely with the SPAR6C in-country team of consultants, to support the SPAR6C activities in Pakistan and maximize SPAR6C program’s benefits to the country.



The assignment aims to ensure high-quality technical communication deliverables that support SPAR6C activities related to carbon markets and related initiatives for the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination (MOCC&EC). Key objectives include:

  1. Video/Audio Editing and Publication Design
  2. Webinars and Interactive Sessions
  3. Event Planning and Preparation
  4. Development of Carbon Market Dashboard Design and Development
  5. Amplify Results and Achievements



The Communication Specialist’s Scope of work includes: 

1. Video/audio editing and Publication design for SPAR6C related communications deliverables as well as carbon markets related deliverables for MOCC&EC.

  • Create, edit, and enhance video and audio materials for SPAR6C-related communications and carbon market deliverables. Provide editing, formatting, and content enhancement to deliver visually impactful and accessible materials.
  • Design professional publications, reports, and briefs aligned with the communication strategy related to SPAR6C Pakistan activities (technical report production, factsheets, etc.)
  • Design audio, video, presentations and other communication materials as requested by the MoCC&EC.
  • Support development of public communication activities of SPAR6C through talking points, speeches, photo coverage, interviews and other communication products
  • Ensure technical documents, briefs, PowerPoint presentations, and reports adhere to professional design standards.


2. Organize and help host professional webinars, interviews, and related interactive sessions to disseminate information and engage stakeholders.

  • Support the planning and implementation of virtual capacity building activities for SPAR6C in Pakistan.
  • Ensure effective outreach to participants and measurement of results.
  • Organize and host professional webinars, interviews, and stakeholder engagement sessions.
  • Ensure smooth execution with high-quality audio, video, and presentation materials.


3. Event planning and preparation, including for local events related to SPAR6C and regional or global events support by the project.

  • Design and advise on the communications campaign related to SPAR6C events, including developing and leading the implementation of communication plans with the local and global teams.
  • Invite journalists and other press to SPAR6C events to ensure local awareness of SPAR6C activities.
  • Develop multimedia dissemination materials through local and international sources, such as press releases, news articles, social media posts, etc. in line with SPAR6C communications and visibility plan.
  • Support government counterparts in preparation for SPAR6C related events, including but not limited to COP participation.
  • Create and/or update a SPAR6C Pakistan communication database including press contacts, institutions and organizations interested in receiving information from SPAR6C, identify spaces in media for Article 6 and carbon markets.
  • Coordinate and support local events related to SPAR6C, including logistics, technical setup, and branding.
  • Provide technical and communications support for regional and global events aligned with project objectives.


4. Support Development of Carbon Market Dashboard design and development in close cooperation with the MOCC&EC.

  • Oversee the works to develop the IT infrastructure for the Carbon Market Dashboard, in cooperation with the global SPAR6C Pakistan team and MOCC&EC.
  • Facilitate communications on site maintenance needs and requests from government stakeholders.
  • Collaborate closely with MOCC&EC  and the Consulting Firm in design, develop, and maintain a user-friendly and visually compelling Carbon Market Dashboard.
  • Ensure the dashboard effectively communicates relevant data and insights to stakeholders.


5. Amplify results of SPAR6C activities and achievements in Pakistan, and promote greater knowledge among key stakeholders and the public.

  • Develop materials to share with local stakeholders about how they can participate in SPAR6C (e.g. COPASIC, events, etc.)
  • Develop materials about the achievement of key project milestones for dissemination with local stakeholders through local media and/or social media.
  • Develop and execute strategies to amplify the results of SPAR6C activities in Pakistan.
  • Promote greater awareness among stakeholders and the public through engaging multimedia and written content.


  • The Communication Specialist shall report directly to the UNEP-CCC Work Package Lead for Pakistan and work closely with the country team of consultants, the MoCC&EC Official Focal Person, and Senior Management. The specialist will receive technical guidance from the UNEP-CCC and GGGI communication units and will be administratively supported by the GGGI global team in Seoul, South Korea.
  • The Communication Specialist shall develop and agree upon a monthly work plan for his/her tasks in with UNEP-CCC. This shall include an estimated number of workdays required for each set of activities and specific deliverables.
  •  The Communication Specialist shall submit timesheets showing their daily use of time for the assignment (reported in days or half-days) throughout the duration of the contract. A timesheet shall accompany an invoice and the relevant deliverables finished during the reporting period, and they shall be approved by UNEP-CCC and GGGI for payment.
  • Where relevant, the Communication Specialist shall provide sets of raw data, communication materials, outreach impacts, and meeting notes related to the contractual objective and attach them to monthly timesheets. 
  • All outputs must be delivered in English.
  • The Communication Specialist shall consider and plan for comments and revisions on all deliverables. Consistent and strong coordination and proactive communication is required for this assignment.
  • The Consultant is expected to work part time from home and part time inside the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination in Islamabad.
  • Some travel may be required for the project.


  • (MANDATORY) Master’s degree (or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience) in public communication, public relations, marketing, journalism or another relevant field and 5 or more years of related communications/journalist working experience, or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience.
  • (MANDATORY) Familiarity with local news agencies, mass media channels and social media on climate change and green development and established network with local journalists
  • (MANDATORY) Excellent in written and verbal communication in English.
  • (MANDATORY) Skills in copy editing, photo-taking, visual designing, audio and video communications development, and proven ability to utilize audio-visual production software for communications products.
  • (MANDATORY) Expertise in using remote collaboration tools like Zoom, MS Teams, and related software, with adaptability to work across different time zones for effective coordination with the international team.
  • (DESIRED) Background or experience in technical / scientific reporting and/or journalism
  • (DESIRED) Skills and experiences in website and database development supervision.
  • (DESIRED) Interest and background in climate change, climate action, social change, sustainable development, and environment
  • (DESIRED) Experience working under tight deadlines and, preferably, with government stakeholders, based in government institutions.

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Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This vacancy is now closed.