Roster of Consultants - Schistosomiasis (SCH) and Soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) Experts
offices | country | office | Africa Regional
- Organization: WHO - World Health Organization
- Location: offices | country | office | Africa Regional
- Grade: Consultancy - International Consultant - Internationally recruited Contractors Agreement
Occupational Groups:
- Biology and Chemistry
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Malaria, Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases
- Closing Date: 2025-02-17
The Expanded Special Project for Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ESPEN) in WHO AFRO, Brazzaville is coordinating the implementation of Preventive Chemotherapy Neglected Tropical Disease (PC-NTDs) in the region, providing technical support to countries for all 5 PC-NTDs, including lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis (Oncho), schistosomiasis (SCH), soil transmitted helminthiases (STH) and Trachoma (TRA). This support will contribute to sustaining the increased momentum to accelerate implementation of PC-NTDs interventions, towards control and elimination by 2020, and for the post 2020 goals. This critical function requires focussed technical support to countries to ensure that countries remain on target.
Over its existence since 2016, ESPEN has made significant strides towards achieving collectively set goals. ESPEN’s work has been valued within the NTD community as a key linkage between Member States, implementing NGOs, and the WHO, which is now rallying around the next ten-year NTD control roadmap. ESPEN had emerged as a model public-private partnership with wide recognition and support across the NTD landscape. ESPEN wishes to sustain and augment this level of momentum in order to deliver on the PC-NTD goals and targets. ESPEN wishes to leverage on the attention currently provided to NTDs at global regional and country levels to further accelerate the achievement of control and elimination goals.
ESPEN has focused its support to Member States in five key areas:
1. Scaling up treatments of the 5 PC-NTDs to achieve 100% geographical coverage and high treatment coverage;
2. Scaling down treatments where elimination threshold has been achieved;
3. Strengthening information systems for evidence-based decision making;
4. Improving effective use of donated medicines through enhanced supply chain management; and
5. Health Systems Strengthening.
Additional areas of work include:
1. Effective partnerships and coordination; and
2. Resource mobilization and advocacy at all levels.
The ESPEN Secretariat is made up of a lean staff at WHO/AFRO, and therefore mostly relies on consultants to provide the
needed technical support to countries.
Under the supervision of the ESPEN Team Leader, and working closely the with the SCH/STH Focal point, other ESPEN staff, WHO Country office NTD Focal Points and country NTD Programme staff, the consultants will primarily provide support towards SCH/STH and other NTD goals in countries in line with WHO NTD Road Map 2030, WHO guidelines and ESPEN overarching goals in integration with other ESPEN target PC-NTDs including Onchocerciasis, Lymphatic filariasis and Trachoma. Technical support consultancies in countries are meant to ensure quality, effective and adequate coverage of interventions to targeted groups when supporting Mass Drug Administration, quality data collection for MDA reporting, surveys, mapping and remapping, capacity building of NTD programme staff for sustainability and effective social mobilisation and advocacy for NTDs. Consultants may be recruited to the WHO Africa regional office, or in WHO country offices to support ministries of health.
Age: Must be less than 65 years of age
Consultants are engaged at various technical levels depending on responsivities assigned, level of experience and
education levels:
Level P3:
Specifically, the consultants’ terms of reference (TOR) will include but not limited to:
1. Use WHO guidelines, EPEN SOPs and templates provided by ESPEN to support countries in planning for MDA, NTD Mapping, and other NTD surveys.
2. Use WHO guidelines, EPEN SOPs and templates provided by ESPEN to train field personnel for MDA, NTD Mapping, and other NTD surveys.
3. Support social mobilization for Mapping, MDA and surveys;
4. Conduct training of country NTD programme staff and their implementing partners for mapping, MDA, other NTD surveys including, including sentinel site surveillance, TAS and impact assessments, SCM, and M&E.
5. Support any other outstanding issues on the NTD Programme in country as may be relevant, including status of the Master Plan, joint application package (JAP) and routine reporting on data from the NTD programme, and provide any needed training to the NTD programme in these areas.
6. Support high level advocacy for NTDs
• At least a first university degree in public health or related field Skills and competencies
• Skills in analysis of NTD Programme, situation analysis and planning of technical interventions for control and elimination of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiases, field knowledge of lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis and trachoma are an added advantage.
• Knowledge of SCH/STH and experience in Preventive Chemotherapy NTDs;
• Experience with laboratory or field components of SCH/STH;
• A minimum of 5 years’ experience post academic qualifications, working in clinical or public health;
• Excellent interpersonal communication, participatory skills and a team player;
• Excellent analytical and writing skills;
• Work experience in African countries will be an added advantage;
Use of Language Skills
Essential: Excellent knowledge of English or French or Portuguese.
Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of any other UN official languages.
Multiple locations.
Band level B - USD 7,000 - 8,480 per month / USD 350 - 424 per day.
Contract duration varies from 1 to 11 months depending on operational needs and individual tasks.
Level P4:
Specifically, the consultants’ TOR will include but not limited to:
1. Using WHO guidelines, review and update available materials and templates to support countries in planning for MDA, NTD Mapping, and other NTD surveys;
2. Using WHO guidelines, and review and update materials to train field personnel for MDA, NTD Mapping, and other NTD surveys;
3. Review and update materials to support social mobilization for MDA and surveys;
4. Conduct training of country NTD programme staff and their implementing partners for mapping, MDA, other NTD surveys including, sentinel site surveillance, TAS and impact assessments, SCM and M&E;
5. Support overall programme review using available WHO tools (e.g Programme Evaluation Framework for NTD program version 31 Jan 2018);
6. Support any other outstanding issues on the NTD Programme in country as may be relevant, including status of the Master Plan, JAP and routine reporting on data from the NTD programme, and provide any needed training to the NTD programme in these areas, and advocacy with country partnerships.
• MD or PhD in public health or related field Skills and competencies
• Skills in analysis of NTD Programme, situation analysis and planning of technical interventions for control and elimination of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiases, field knowledge of lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis and trachoma are an added advantage.
• Comprehensive knowledge of SCH/STH and experience in Preventive Chemotherapy NTDs;
• Experience with laboratory or field components of SCH/STH;
• A minimum of 7 years’ experience (post academic qualifications) working in clinical or public health;
• Excellent interpersonal communication, participatory skills and a team player;
• Excellent analytical and writing skills ;
• Work experience in African countries will be an added advantage;
Use of Language Skills
Essential: Excellent knowledge of English or French or Portuguese.
Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of any other UN official languages.
Multiple locations.
Band level B - USD 8,500 - 9,980 per month / USD 425 - 499 per day.
Contract duration varies from 1 to 11 months depending on operational needs and individual tasks.
Level P5:
Specifically, the consultants’ TOR will include but not limited to:
1. Using WHO guidelines, develop materials to support countries in planning for MDA, NTD Mapping, and other NTD surveys;
2. Use WHO guidelines, develop materials to train field personnel for MDA, NTD Mapping, and other NTD surveys;
3. Develop materials to support social mobilization for MDA and surveys;
4. Conduct training of country NTD programme staff and their implementing partners for mapping, MDA, other NTD surveys including, including sentinel site surveillance, TAS and impact assessments, SCM, and M&E.
5. Support overall programme review using available WHO tools (e.g. the Programme Evaluation Framework for NTD programme);
6. Support any other outstanding issues on the NTD Programme in country as may be relevant, including status of the Master Plan, JAP and routine reporting on data from the NTD programme, and provide any needed training to the NTD programme in these areas.
• At least a MD with Master’s degree in public health or related field, or PhD. Skills and competencies
• Skills in analysis of NTD Programme, situation analysis and planning of technical interventions for control and elimination
of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiases, field knowledge of lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis and trachoma are an added advantage.
• Comprehensive knowledge of SCH/STH and other NTDs, and experience in Preventive Chemotherapy NTDs;
• Experience with laboratory or field components of SCH/STH and other NTDs;
• A minimum of 10 years’ experience (post academic qualifications) working in clinical or public health;
• Excellent interpersonal communication, participatory skills and a team player;
• Excellent analytical and writing skills;
• Work experience in African countries
Use of Language Skills
Essential: Excellent knowledge of English or French or Portuguese.
Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of any other UN official languages.
Multiple locations.
Band level B - USD 10,000 - 12,500 per month / USD 500 - 625 per day.
Contract duration varies from 1 to 11 months depending on operational needs and individual tasks.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.