EASO/2021/885 – Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) - External experts for deployment in EUAA Asylum Support Teams
Multiple locations
- Organization: EUAA - European Union Agency for Asylum
- Location: Multiple locations
- Grade: Consultancy - Remunerated External Expert
Occupational Groups:
- Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
- International Relations
- Legal - International Law
- Human Rights
- Humanitarian Aid and Coordination
- Migration
- Children's rights (health and protection)
- Refugee rights and well-being
- Protection Officer (Refugee)
- Closing Date: Closed
The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has issued a Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) to establish a list of remunerated external experts for possible future assignments. These external experts are envisaged to be deployed as part of the operations of the Agency in different EU member States. The CEI includes 76 expert profiles in the field of asylum and reception. The details of the call including the application procedure, conditions and profiles requested can be found on the following link: https://www.euaa.europa.eu/procurements/call-expressions-interest-cei-establish-easo-list-remunerated-external-experts
Please apply here: https://cei.euaa.europa.eu/
L’Agence de l'Union européenne pour l'Asile (EUAA – European Union Agency for Asylum) a lancé un appel à manifestation d’intérêt (CEI – call for expression of interest) afin d'établir une liste d'experts externes rémunérés pour d'éventuelles missions. Il est envisagé de déployer ces experts externes dans le cadre des opérations de l'Agence dans différents États membres de l'Union européenne. Le CEI regroupe 76 profils d’experts dans le domaine de l'asile et de l'accueil. Les détails de l'appel, y compris la procédure de candidature, les conditions et les profils recherchés, sont disponibles sur le lien suivant : https://www.euaa.europa.eu/procurements/call-expressions-interest-cei-establish-easo-list-remunerated-external-experts.
Veuillez déposer votre candidature ici: https://cei.euaa.europa.eu/
Agenția Uniunii Europene pentru Azil (EUAA) a lansat o invitație de exprimare a interesului (Call for Expression of Interest/CEI) în vederea stabilirii unei liste de experți externi remunerați pentru posibile misiuni viitoare. Se are în vedere trimiterea experților în cadrul operațiunilor agenției în diferite state membre ale Uniunii Europene. CEI include 76 de profiluri de experți în domeniul azilului și recepției. Detaliile invitației de exprimare a interesului, inclusiv procedura de depunere a candidaturii, condițiile și profilurile solicitate, pot fi găsite accesând următorul link: https://www.euaa.europa.eu/procurements/call-expressions-interest-cei-establish-easo-list-remunerated-external-experts
Te invităm să îți depui candidatura aici: https://cei.euaa.europa.eu/
Die Asylagentur der Europäischen Union (EUAA) hat einen Aufruf zur Interessenbekundung (CEI) veröffentlicht, um eine Liste der bezahlten externen Experten für mögliche zukünftige Einsätze aufzustellen. Diese externen Sachverständigen sollen im Rahmen der Tätigkeit der Agentur in verschiedenen EU-Mitgliedstaaten eingesetzt werden. Das CEI umfasst 76 Expertenprofile im Bereich Asyl und Aufnahme. Die Einzelheiten der Ausschreibung, einschließlich des Bewerbungsverfahrens, der Bedingungen und der angeforderten Profile, finden Sie unter folgendem Link: https://www.euaa.europa.eu/procurements/call-expressions-interest-cei-establish-easo-list-remunerated-external-experts
Bitte bewerben Sie sich hier: https://cei.euaa.europa.eu/
Het Asielagentschap van de Europese Unie (European Union Agency for Asylum - EUAA) heeft een oproep tot kandidatuurstelling (CEI – call for expression of interest) gedaan om een lijst op te stellen van bezoldigde externe deskundigen voor mogelijke toekomstige opdrachten. Het is de bedoeling dat deze externe deskundigen worden ingezet als onderdeel van de operaties van het Agentschap in verschillende EU-lidstaten. De CEI omvat 76 profielen met expertise op het gebied van asiel en opvang van asielzoekers. De details van de oproep, inclusief de procedure voor kandidaatstelling, voorwaarden en gevraagde profielen, zijn te vinden op de volgende link: https://www.euaa.europa.eu/procurements/call-expressions-interest-cei-establish-easo-list-remunerated-external-experts.
Stel u hier kandidaat: https://cei.euaa.europa.eu/