The reason for us building this pool of talents now is that we have several clients who indicated that they will start recruiting experts in coming weeks or months. By being in the pool we will keep you informed when these job opportunities are being published.
With this call, we are looking to find Information Technology and Computer Science Specialists to build a pool of talents to help International organizations to speed up their recruitment and deployment process.
We are now also particularly looking for female talents prepared to serve in challenging environments. For many of these, IT-related jobs only 5% of the applicants are women and many organizations are aiming at gender parity. Simply by being a qualified female candidate can take you far, in fact, it can take you all the way to your dream job.
In addition to IT experts to be based in a challenging environment, we have also been requested by clients to target specific countries not having enough representation in these organizations. The list below is a list of some of the areas organizations are asking for today, but remember that this call is not limited to the IT profiles listed below.
- Project managers with combined IP and IT background
- IT specialists in new technologies related to machine learning, blockchain specialists, as well as IT security specialists
- Programmer - Information SYSTEMS and Communication Technology
- Information Communications Technology
- Platform Administrator
- Engineer (Incident Resolution)
- Senior Technician
- Systems and Data Administrator
- Java and Database Software Engineer
- Network Engineer
- Systems Engineer
- IT project manager
When signed up, we provide you with our weekly job alerts, with job opportunities in your area of expertise. While on the roster we will also reach out to you when organizations actively search for your skills, in line with your own preferences.
The organizations we work for are all very different, and so are the opportunities they offer and the locations they operate in. To accommodate all their needs, we are looking for Information Technology and Data Science Specialists for volunteer assignments as well as for short-term and long-term opportunities.
Specific Nationalities desired by clients
Please note: If you origin from any of the countries listed below, make sure to apply and to fill out your profile completely.
Afghanistan | Albania | Armenia | Azerbaijan |
Belarus | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Croatia |
Czech Republic | Estonia | Georgia | Hungary |
Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan | Latvia | Lithuania |
Poland | Republic of Moldova | Romania | Russian Federation |
Serbia and Montenegro |
Serbia, Republic of | Slovakia | Slovenia |
Tajikistan | The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | Turkmenistan | Ukraine |
Uzbekistan | Japan | Norway | Switzerland |
Sweden | Pakistan | Syria | Kenya |
Instructions on how to apply:
Please complete a career profile on It takes no more than 5 minutes. With a complete profile, you will receive weekly job alerts tailored to your expertise and career level. We will also match relevant career resources for you.
Please click here to join our pool of Information Technology and Computer Science Specialists
Step 1-3: Fill in the information required and check the boxes that apply. Please only indicate "Volunteer Assignment" if you are prepared to volunteer. Too many jobseekers mark that alternative knowing they will never take on a volunteer assignment and if that is the case your choice will only create extra work, with extra costs for the organizations. Longer recruitment processes and fewer resources are not what this sector needs.
Step 4: "What is your area of expertise and/or interest?" - Select Information Technology and Computer Science as the occupational group. As soon as you have fulfilled this process you are ready to receive job alerts for positions that match your skills.
Photo: Ignas Kukenys, Master of Computer Science, licensed under Creative Commons at