Why? To resolve violent, political conflict
The Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes (MAS ETH MPP) provides participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques to mediate violent political conflicts. Currently, this is the only MAS programme that professionalises the training of mediators working in peace processes.
Who? Future mediators
The MAS ETH MPP targets future mediators who seek to work in formal track 1 or 1.5 mediation teams; in conflict contexts where there is no formal mediator; in mediation support units; and in research-practitioner entities.
What? Continuing education programme
The MAS ETH MPP consists of 1,800 hours of study (60 ECTS), structured as a continuing education programme with 15 weeks of face-to-face modules and two written papers over a two-year period. The part-time nature of the course allows participants to continue their work in or around peace processes, while developing new knowledge and skills to assist them in their work.
How? Through partnerships
The MAS ETH MPP is built on a close partnership between ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the foreign ministries of Germany and Finland. The MAS is supported by international organisations, such as the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). It brings together the most qualified mediation practitioners and researchers the world has to offer.
Course content
The logic of mediation is that the conflict parties decide on the content, and the mediator helps the parties by structuring the process. To do this, mediators need to know the issues as they are perceived by actors in conflict contexts (module one: context), the methods and skills of how to work with actors (module two: methods) and the theoretical and practical options to deal with these issues (module three: content). On this basis, mediators learn how a process needs to be designed depending on the content it seeks to address (module four: process design). Internalising the skills and knowledge acquired in the first four modules, advanced mediation methods and skills are learnt (module five: advanced methods) and practised in an in-depth simulation (module six: processes).
The programme is organised along three activity lines:
- Active module participation including one written exam at the end of each module.
- Self-study as preparation for the modules.
- Two written papers: a multidisciplinary literature review and a practice-oriented paper.
The course content reflects the programme’s pedagogical approach, which is academically based, and practitioner-oriented. In combining the latest scholarly and practitioner knowledge on peace mediation, the programme enables participants to actively reflect on the relevance of newly acquired knowledge and skills to their practice.
To apply for a scholarship, please click here.
Several scholarships are provided by countries supporting the MAS ETH MPP. These scholarships will be made available to cover the course fee, travel and accommodation costs of participants from non-OECD countries, who could not otherwise afford to participate. These will be awarded at the discretion of the MAS ETH MPP management. People from non-OECD countries who are interested in such a scholarship are requested to apply for one through the online system at www.mas-mediation.ethz.ch before formally applying for the course on the ETH School for Continuing Education application website.
To apply for a scholarship, please click here.
Please note that candidates for the scholarships have to fulfil the following admission criteria:
- Be a citizen of a non-OECD country;
- Master's degree (applications from candidates without a Master’s degree can be accepted only in exceptional circumstances);
- Career prospects for professional mediation-related activities in connection with peace processes;
- Relevant experience in mediation, peace processes, peacebuilding, or political negotiations in violent conflicts;
- English proficiency (Level: C1); the language of instruction is English.
For the scholarship application, you will need the following documents:
- An up-to-date C.V.
- A motivation letter
- A reference letter (e.g., related to past work experience, or future career path opportunities)
- A copy of your Master's certificate
Please note that if you are awarded a scholarship for the MAS, you will be required to formally apply to the programme through the ETH Zurich general application system. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be notified accordingly. The formal application to the programme must be submitted through the following website: ETH application website.