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Introducing the Annual Pulse Survey by Impactpool | Take the survey

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by Impactpool

Please help us identify the most desired impact employers, the most professional recruitment processes, and the most inclusive organizations.

The Impactpool Pulse survey, the only one of its kind in the Impact career sector, is sent to over 300,000 talents worldwide and disseminated through our partner networks and social media channels.

Please participate in our quick seven-minute survey and share your insights to contribute to this valuable research. Your input is greatly appreciated!

"This year's Pulse survey is longer than a traditional Pulse as we needed to collect baseline data. Although it takes 5-7 minutes to complete I hope many of you will do it. Remember that only responses from a finished survey are shared with us, so if you start, please complete it", says Henrik Ryden, COO and Co-founder of Impactpool.
Dive into the survey and share your insights!

Impactpool is launching its annual Pulse survey, focusing on employer brand status, recruitment process, and diversity. This year's themes align with the recurring inquiries from talented individuals and employers.

Employers are eager to assess their brand's recognition and compare it to industry standards. Many skilled professionals approach Impactpool with a sense of discouragement, prompting us to conduct this survey to understand the current hiring landscape better.

By gathering insights from talent pools and employers, the Pulse survey aims to address the underlying issues in talent acquisition and foster a more effective and inclusive hiring ecosystem. The survey will also provide valuable data to both parties, enabling them to make informed decisions that enhance their overall talent management strategies.

Dive into the survey and share your insights!

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