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Call for CVs

Istanbul | Gaziantep | Hatay | Kilis

  • Organization: IRD - International Resilience and Development
  • Location: Istanbul | Gaziantep | Hatay | Kilis
  • Grade: Senior level - Senior
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Operations and Administrations
    • Economics
    • Banking and Finance
    • Education, Learning and Training
  • Closing Date: Closed

Call for CVs

Join IRD in Expanding in 2024

  1. Administration:

  2. Financial Management Department

  3. Logistics:

  4. Program Management:

  5. Social Work:

  6. Economic Empowerment:

  7. Education Administration:

  8. Civil Society and Civic Participation:

  9. Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction:

  10. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS):

  11. Alternative Livelihood:


Each role is further detailed below.


As a member of our Administration team, you will be crucial in setting up and maintaining administrative processes and systems. Your responsibilities will include establishing efficient documentation procedures and maintaining office organization. You will be at the heart of ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of our operations, providing essential support to all departments within IRD.


  • Documentation: You will assist in creating and maintaining organized and efficient document management systems. This includes storing and cataloging important files, records, and reports properly. Your attention to detail will be vital to ensure that documents are readily accessible when needed.

  • Office Organization: An organized office is essential for our operations to run seamlessly. You will be responsible for maintaining a well-structured work environment, ensuring that supplies are readily available and office procedures run smoothly. Your role will contribute to a productive and efficient workplace.

  • Process Implementation: You will assist in implementing processes crucial for our organization's functioning. This may include tasks such as inventory management, procurement procedures, and day-to-day logistical support.



Financial Management Department

Within our Financial Management department, you will have the opportunity to contribute to establishing and maintaining robust financial systems. Your role is crucial for sound financial management, budgeting, and financial record-keeping, all of which are vital to the success of our organization.



  • Contribute to Financial Systems: You will actively participate in creating and maintaining financial systems that help us manage our financial resources efficiently. This includes working with our finance team to develop, implement, and maintain procedures that ensure the proper handling of funds.

  • Budgeting: As part of the financial management team, you will be responsible for the budgeting process. This involves assisting in creating budgets for various projects and initiatives, ensuring that financial resources are allocated optimally to meet program goals.

  • Financial Record-Keeping: Accurate financial record-keeping is essential for transparency and accountability. You will be responsible for maintaining precise records of financial transactions tracking income, expenses, and donor contributions.

  • Monitor Financial Transactions: Your role will monitor day-to-day financial transactions, including payments, receipts, and expenses. This oversight ensures that all financial activities align with our approved financial plans and compliance requirements.

  • Assist in Financial Reporting: You will support our financial reporting processes by providing accurate financial data. This information is crucial for donor communication and program evaluation, helping us demonstrate our responsible financial management to stakeholders.



In the Logistics department, you will be instrumental in establishing logistics and procurement processes. Your role will focus on managing inventory, ensuring the timely delivery of essential resources and materials, and maintaining the smooth flow of operations.



  • Establish Logistics and Procurement Processes: You will actively participate in developing and implementing logistics and procurement processes. This includes tasks such as identifying reliable suppliers, negotiating contracts, and managing procurement documentation.

  • Inventory Management: Efficient inventory management is crucial for our organization. You will be responsible for tracking, maintaining, and optimizing inventory levels. Your role will help ensure that we have the necessary resources on hand when required.

  • Timely Delivery: Timely delivery of resources and materials is essential for our projects and programs to run smoothly. You will work to establish systems that guarantee the on-time delivery of goods and materials to their designated destinations.

  • Resource Allocation: You will assist in the allocation of resources to various projects and departments, ensuring that they receive the necessary materials and equipment to fulfill their objectives.


Program Management:

Within our Program Management department, you will play a pivotal role in supporting the planning, implementation, and reporting of our programs. Your efforts will be critical in ensuring the success of our initiatives.


  • Collaborate with Program Managers: You will work closely with program managers to provide crucial support in planning and executing program activities. This includes contributing to the development of program strategies and ensuring that they align with our organizational goals.

  • Program Implementation: Your role will involve active participation in the execution of program activities. This may include coordinating with various teams, partners, and stakeholders to ensure that programs are implemented effectively and efficiently.

  • Data Collection and Analysis: You will assist in data collection, helping to gather information and statistics related to program outcomes. Furthermore, you will engage in data analysis to evaluate program performance and identify areas for improvement.

  • Reporting: Timely and accurate reporting is essential for program evaluation and stakeholder communication. You will play a vital role in providing the necessary data and information for our program reports, helping us showcase the impact of our work.


Social Work:

In our Social Work department, you will have a direct and impactful role in engaging with the community to foster social cohesion, providing essential support to individuals and families facing challenges, and ensuring access to vital social services.


  • Community Engagement: Your primary responsibility is to engage with the community. You will build relationships, understand their needs, and actively involve them in various initiatives, promoting social cohesion and a sense of belonging.

  • Support and Resources: You will provide crucial support and resources to individuals and families encountering challenges. This includes offering counseling, guidance, and connecting them with the necessary social services to address their needs.

  • Advocacy: As a social worker, you may advocate for the rights and well-being of the community, working to raise awareness about their needs and challenges, and collaborating with other organizations to secure necessary resources and support.

  • Empowerment: Your role is also about empowering individuals and families to become self-reliant. This may involve providing them with the tools and skills needed to overcome challenges and lead more fulfilling lives.


Economic Empowerment:

Within our Economic Empowerment department, your role is to contribute to initiatives aimed at enhancing the economic well-being and livelihoods of vulnerable populations. You will actively assist in creating economic opportunities that can lead to financial independence.


  • Initiative Contribution: You will play a key role in contributing to initiatives designed to improve the economic well-being of individuals and communities. This may involve developing programs, workshops, or resources that empower vulnerable populations.

  • Livelihood Improvement: Your efforts will focus on assisting vulnerable populations in finding sustainable livelihood opportunities. This includes helping them identify income-generating activities and equipping them with the skills and resources needed for success.

  • Financial Literacy: Economic empowerment often involves enhancing financial literacy among the target population. You may provide training and education on budgeting, saving, and managing financial resources effectively.

  • Entrepreneurship Support: If applicable, you might assist in fostering entrepreneurship by guiding individuals in starting and managing their businesses. This could involve offering mentorship and connecting them with resources and networks.


Education Administration:

Education Administration: In our Education Administration department, your role is to provide critical support to educational programs and activities for both refugee and host communities. Your contributions will assist in curriculum development, educational outreach, and student support.



  • Curriculum Development: You will play an active role in the development and enhancement of educational curricula. This includes aligning curricula with the needs of the communities we serve and ensuring they meet educational standards and objectives.

  • Educational Outreach: Your responsibilities will include engaging with the community and promoting educational opportunities. You will work to increase awareness of available educational programs and encourage participation.

  • Student Support: As a member of the Education Administration team, you will provide crucial support to students. This may involve offering tutoring, counseling, and resources to ensure their academic success.

  • Program Enhancement: You will actively contribute to improving the quality and effectiveness of our educational programs. This includes staying updated on educational best practices and incorporating innovative methods to enhance the learning experience.


Civil Society and Civic Participation:

In our Civil Society and Civic Participation department, your role is to actively work on initiatives that strengthen civil society and promote civic engagement within the communities we serve. Your contributions will aim to foster community involvement and participation in decision-making processes.



  • Strengthening Civil Society: You will be engaged in activities and programs that empower local civil society organizations and community groups. Your role is vital in building their capacity to address the diverse needs and issues within their communities effectively.

  • Civic Engagement Promotion: Your responsibilities include promoting and facilitating civic engagement among community members. This involves encouraging active participation in community affairs, encouraging individuals to take part in discussions, and advocating for their rights.

  • Community Involvement: You will actively work to foster community involvement in various projects and initiatives. This includes collaborating with community leaders, organizing community meetings, and seeking input from local residents in decision-making processes.

  • Advocacy and Awareness: Your role may also involve advocating for the rights and needs of the communities we serve. By raising awareness about issues and working to find solutions, you play a critical part in creating positive change.



Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction:

Within our Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction department, your role is to actively assist in disaster preparedness and risk reduction efforts. You will collaborate on disaster response planning and community training.


  • Disaster Preparedness: Your primary responsibility is to help communities prepare for potential disasters. This includes developing and implementing disaster preparedness plans and ensuring that communities have the knowledge and resources needed to respond effectively.

  • Risk Reduction: You will work on reducing the risk of disasters by identifying vulnerabilities and implementing measures to mitigate them. This may include infrastructure improvements, early warning systems, and community awareness campaigns.

  • Collaboration on Disaster Response: Your role also involves working closely with other organizations and agencies to coordinate disaster response efforts. This may include providing assistance to affected communities during and after disasters.

  • Community Training: You will actively engage in training community members on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. This may include conducting drills and simulations to ensure that communities are well-prepared.


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS):


Within our Mental Health and Psychosocial Support department, your role is to provide essential counseling and psychosocial support to individuals who are facing mental health challenges. You will offer therapeutic interventions and emotional support.



  • Counseling: You will provide one-on-one counseling to individuals who are experiencing mental health challenges. This includes actively listening to their concerns, offering guidance, and helping them develop coping strategies.

  • Psychosocial Support: Your role involves offering psychosocial support, which includes addressing emotional needs, providing resources for personal growth, and fostering emotional well-being.

  • Therapeutic Interventions: You will administer therapeutic interventions to individuals who require specialized treatment. This may involve offering evidence-based therapies and interventions to support their mental health recovery.

  • Emotional Support: Offering emotional support is a crucial part of your role. You will provide a safe and empathetic space for individuals to express their feelings and concerns, fostering their emotional healing and well-being.


​Alternative Livelihood:

In our Alternative Livelihood department, your role is to actively help create alternative livelihood opportunities for individuals. You will promote income-generating activities and skills development to enhance their financial independence.



  • Identifying Opportunities: You will be responsible for identifying alternative livelihood opportunities for individuals. This may involve conducting assessments and market research to determine viable income-generating activities.

  • Income Generation: Your efforts will focus on promoting activities and ventures that can generate income for individuals and communities. This may include supporting small businesses, vocational training, and entrepreneurial initiatives.

  • Skills Development: You will actively work to develop the skills and capacities of individuals, equipping them with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in their chosen alternative livelihoods.

  • Resource Access: Your role includes facilitating access to resources and support needed for alternative livelihood initiatives. This may involve connecting individuals with funding, equipment, and markets.


We Need You:

As we expand our operations, we are seeking individuals to help us strengthen our team in these various areas. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to a growing humanitarian initiative that is making a meaningful impact on displaced populations and host communities.


What We Offer:

  • The chance to be part of a rapidly expanding humanitarian organization.

  • Opportunities to contribute to innovative programs and projects.

  • Learning and development in a dynamic and evolving environment.

  • A chance to collaborate with experienced professionals and mentors in the humanitarian sector.


Who We Are Looking For:

  • Individuals with a strong commitment to IRD's mission and values.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Flexibility and adaptability to work in a dynamic environment.

  • Relevant education and experience in your chosen field.


How to Apply:

If you are passionate about making a difference and believe you can contribute to our mission, we invite you to consider joining us in this exciting new phase. To apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter describing your motivation, relevant skills, and availability to ( ), and mention the department in the subject line. In the body of your email, answer the following questions.

  • What is your salary expectation?

  • When can you join us?

  • What is your preferred city to work in?

  • Which languages do you speak (Turkish, Arabic, English)

  • Do you need a work permit?


IRD is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer that welcomes applications from individuals of all backgrounds. We believe in the power of diversity and inclusion and actively encourage candidates from diverse groups to apply. Your unique perspective and experience can play a vital role in our mission to positively impact the lives of displaced populations and host communities. Join us in building a more inclusive and compassionate future for all.

This vacancy is now closed.