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Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist


  • Organization: UNV - United Nations Volunteers
  • Location: Lao PDR
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Education, Learning and Training
    • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Closing Date: Closed


Mission and objectives

Breaking the cycle of poverty in Lao PDR and graduating from the Least Developed Country (LDC) Status represents the heart of the Government’s development aspirations. UNDP has a key role in assisting the country with a smooth transition to non-LDC status, as well as the complex process to strategically raise needed funds for programs that benefit poor people. UNDP Lao PDR works toward localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), implementation of the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan 2021-2025 and, more broadly, Lao PDR’s graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status. UNDP supports to strengthen the Government’s capacity at central and local levels in ensuring the formulation and implementation of their development plan encompassing all key aspects, such as equitable growth, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability, with special attention given to achieving the SDGs. UNDP offers ground-breaking research on human development in Lao PDR through supporting the preparation of National Human Development Reports which advocate for policies placing people at the centre of the development process towards inclusive and sustainable growth and the achievement of the SDGs as well as LDC graduation.


In April 2022, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Lao PDR and the Government of Lao PDR launched a new five-year (2022-2026) UXO programme entitled “Supporting Effectiveness and Efficiency in the UXO Sector to contribute to the achievement of SDG 18 and Safe Path Forward III (SPF III)”. Through this programme, UNDP provides programmatic and technical support for the national institutions within the UXO sector to pursue targets as set out in the Lao Government’s 9th Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2025), as well as NRA’s work plan for accelerated Survey and Clearance, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and Victim Assistance (VA) activities, both in line with the Government of Lao PDR’s obligations under the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). The key outcomes of this project includes support to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals, including enhanced support to livelihoods activities for affected populations, improved efficiency of clearance operations; significant progress in the effort to establish a national baseline of UXO contamination; improved transparency in results reporting, improved transparency in financial reporting; improved coordination of sector activities through enhanced management of information; updated National Standards and appropriate policy frameworks; progress against the obligations of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the articulation of a sustainability strategy for the sector; improved capacity for monitoring and evaluating the sector’s development outcomes; and improved policy for support to UXO survivors. These cross-cutting outcomes support SDG1: No Poverty, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and Lao PDR’s SDG 18: Lives Safe from UXO. The project is aligned with the Government of Lao’s National Socio-Economic Development Plan as well as national gender equality strategies and relevant international conventions, and norms. It will contribute to progress towards achieving the national Sustainable Development Goal 18.

Task description

Under the direct supervision of UNDP UXO Portfolio Manager/Unit head, or his/her designated representative, the UN Volunteer will undertake the following tasks: 1. Support the development of Monitoring & Evaluation functions at the UXO Sector level, through capacity-building support to the NRA. a. In 2023, with the support of UNDP, the NRA Office recruited a new Moni-toring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer, to benefit all opera-tors/operations of the UXO Sector. The UN Volunteer will work closely with the NRA MEL officer to support UNDP and national counterparts in devel-oping the MEL systems and procedures for the UXO Programme. b. The UN volunteer shall also support the NRA in monitoring the progress of the 10-year National Strategic Plan for UXO/Mine Action Sector 2021-2030, Safe Path Forward III (SPF III) using the result framework of the SPF III. 2. Support the joint field monitoring missions among UNDP / NRA / UXO Lao. a. The UN volunteer will be required to undertake missions to project sites as required and approved by the UNDP Country Office. Regular field monitor-ing of UXO operators would assist the NRA & UXO Lao to: i. Reinforce good working relationships and mutual understanding be-tween UXO operators, provincial NRA offices and local authorities; ii. Support in the assessment of the compliance of UXO operators with the activities and approaches outlined in the project documents and operational work plans; iii. Collect valuable local context information and feedback about the effects of the implementation of the NRA’s official policies and technical guidelines, and how NRA policies interact with other sec-tors of Government of Lao PDR; iv. Support the follow-up surveys including Post-Clearance Impact As-sessment (PCIA) to assess the UXO sector’s contribution to rural development, community health and safety, and Knowledge, Atti-tude and Practice (KAP) survey; v. Gather information (task work plans and reports, photographs and testimony from UXO operator staff, local authorities and/or land-owners) to produce case studies for use in internal and external reports and presentations. 3. Provide project support to partners and assistance of compliance functions through capacity building: a. Support and train the Implementing Partners (lPs) in best practices in for-mulation, implementation and monitoring of key strategic documents; b. Provide support to and training of Programme Units of the NRA and UXO Lao to ensure that programme formulation, design and implementation adhere to principles of results-based management policy; c. Support to IPs and training of relevant staff on report and proposal writing aimed at ensuring good quality products, such as donor proposals, annual reports, and specific donor reports; d. Support to evaluations, audits and spot checks; e. Create solid follow-up systems on implementation of recommendations (e.g. Gender and Diversity Action Plan, Action Plan for audit findings etc.); f. Support initiatives that promote/contribute to the cohesion and synergies between the programme, finance and other relevant teams in the NRA and UXO Lao such as resource planning and management, reporting, and development of proposals; 4. Develop monitoring tools to capture evidence to prove UNDP’s contributions in project management and include the findings to the quarterly progress report. The UNV Specialist will also support the preparation of improved plans and develop project proposals in the future, based on practical information gathered during field monitoring missions.

This vacancy is now closed.