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Information Management Officer to the MSB roster


  • Organization: MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap
  • Location: Stockholm
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Statistics
    • Information Technology and Computer Science
    • Documentation and Information Management
  • Closing Date: Closed

Information Management Officer to the MSB roster


The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisations for example the UN and the EU in crisis, conflicts or other disasters.

MSB is opening our roster for ten new Information Management Officers interested in working with us on Humanitarian Operations. Deployed as a Information Management Officer, the mission length normally is 6 months with a few weeks preparation prior to the mission.

When registered on the MSB roster you will continuously receive interesting international job opportunities and invitations to stimulating and valuable trainings and exercises.

As a Information Management Officer you are expected to have knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to the management of information in complex emergencies, disaster preparedness, disaster response and early recovery. The ability to identify issues, analyse humanitarian trends and participate in the resolution of issues/problems by conducting data collection using various methods such as conceptual analytical and evaluative skills to conduct independent research and analysis.

Introduction swedish

Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) arbetar dagligen med att stödja andra aktörer genom olika insatser runt om i världen och även i Sverige. Vi har stor erfarenhet av att samarbeta och stärka andra organisationer som exempelvis FN och EU i katastrof- och konfliktsituationer.

MSB öppnar nu resursbasen för tio nya Information Management Officer som är intresserade av att delta i våra humnaitära insatser.
En registrering i resursbasen löper initialt över tre år och som registrerad erbjuds du under denna period delta i förberedande utbildning samt förväntas vara tillgänglig för insatser. Som Information Management Officer är det vanligast att insatserna varar i 6 månader, med några veckors förberedelser före uppdraget.

Vi värderar vår insatspersonals välbefinnande högt och du kommer att ha tillgång till stödfunktioner inom hälsa och säkerhet från MSB dygnet runt när du är på insats.

MSB strävar efter en jämn könsbalans bland profilerna i vår resursbas.


As a Information Management Officer you are expected to:

• Develop a client-oriented approach with all relevant stakeholders to help identify their priority information requirements.

• Determine the data and information elements that are required internally and externally and presenting it in the format most useful (e.g. reports, maps) for analysis to support intra and inter-cluster coordination and humanitarian decision-making.

• Provide training and expertise on the use and development of information management tools, platforms and standards to staff and humanitarian partners.

• Establish, maintain, or participate in an information network at the national level geared to facilitate humanitarian information exchange and the promotion of data and information sharing protocols, in particular those developed and endorsed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee.

• If necessary, oversee technical staff in the development of databases (e.g. 5W, dashboard, etc.) and other applications to support the collection and processing of context specific and disaggregated data (e.g. affected population, displaced populations, demographic and vulnerability data, results of common rapid needs assessment etc.).

• Apply global information management standards, policies and procedures to guide related activities within the UN system.

• If required, manage staff working directly on information management and information technology activities.

• Perform other related duties, as required.


A minimum of five years’ experience within relevant area of expertise.

• Minimum 4 - 5 years` relevant professional experience within information management, information systems, web management, data management, geographic information systems & mapping, Info Graphics/data visualization, or Humanitarian Assistance and other related area is required.

• Relevant international field experience in a crisis management, disaster management, emergency management, humanitarian emergency or recovery context is required.

• Relevant experience within the UN system or an international humanitarian organisation is required.

• Qualifications and/or certification in the following applications are desirable: MS Access, MS Excel, MS SharePoint, ArcGIS, or similar applications.

Master´s degree in Social and behavioural sciences or Journalism and information.
An added value if you have experience within in related fields; Disaster and emergency management, geographic information systems, information management, statistics or social sciences, or related area.
A first level university degree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) combined with relevant professional experience may be accepted in lieu of the Master's degree.
Fluency in English is essential, both spoken and written.
Knowledge of French, Spanish, Arabic or any other official UN languages is an asset.

Other requirements
• We are looking for persons with a strong commitment towards humanitarian relief and disaster operations. It is of utmost priority that you understand, respect and act in the spirit of the mandate and core values of the MSB.

• Before a registration on MSB's roster, you need to fill in a self-assessed health declaration. If recruited for an international mission, you also need to undergo a health examination before departure.

• You must inform your regular employer of your potential assignment with the MSB.

• Before being considered for an assignment or training, you must complete the MSB induction course. During the course you are offered a smaller salary. If you are accepted in the MSB roster you should be available for one of the following courses:
- 16th – 19th September 2024
- 7th – 11th October 2024

• MSB operations are based on the needs of populations affected by crisis, and human equality. Through my behavior and work as MSB field staff, I actively strive to prevent discrimination and harassment based on sex, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.


• You must be able to interact with sensitivity and display respect for diversity and gender in multi-cultural environments.

• A capacity for working under pressure is essential, as work is often performed under difficult and demanding conditions, where the focus frequently shifts due to changes in priority.

• You must possess a high level of professional and personal maturity together with an ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, managers and external partners, such as UN organizations, NGOs, recipient governments and host populations.

•You are expected to have excellent analytical and communicative skills, show initiative and take both a hands-on and an analytical approach to tasks and problems.

Contractual conditions

The MSB applies a policy of equal opportunities to avoid any form of discrimination. We strive for gender balance and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

The MSB roster contains a variety of professions and competences. A registration on our roster is initially for three years. It is your responsibility that your information on Mypages always is up to date during this period. After this period your registration will be evaluated and you may be offered an extended registration.

Working with the MSB on international operations means that you are temporarily employed by the MSB. The MSB pays salary as well as a comprehensive allowances and benefits package to field staff on international operations, ranging from free home leave travel to access to psychosocial support. The MSB highly values the well-being of our staff and whilst on mission you will have access to health and safety support from the MSB 24 hours a day.

The basic salary for a Information Management Officer is 62250 SEK/month. You may also receive a salary supplement, if you have experience from working in an international humanitarian organization with duties very similar to those of this position.

Persons resident abroad must pay special income tax for non-residents. The employer deducts 25 per cent as tax and the employee avoids having to submit a tax return in Sweden.

How to apply:
The MSB applies a policy of equal opportunities to avoid any form of discrimination. We strive for gender balance and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

If you wish to apply to the MSB roster you first need to create an account on MyPages. Please note; the information that you provide on MyPages will form the basis for your CV. When you have created your account and registered your CV-details on MyPages you submit your application by clicking on the "Apply" button in the add, and the follow the specified steps. If you already have an account on Mypages you can go directly to Apply-button. If you find any trouble with MyPages, please contact our Mypages support;

It is your responsibility as an applicant to document your skills in a way that allows an objective and qualitative assessment. As a government agency we are subject to the principle of public access to official records. This means that if someone requests copies of application documents, we are obliged to disclose them.

Please note that your application need to be in English.

The MSB will process the applications on an ongoing basis during the application period, which means that we wish you to submit your application as soon as possible. The interview process will start by the end of April 2024.

Welcome with your application!
Application deadline

Point of contact

Mire Krasniqi Eklöf

This vacancy is now closed.