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Principal - Credit Risk Management (ICD)


  • Organization: IsDB - Islamic Development Bank
  • Location: Jeddah
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Accounting (Audit, Controlling)
    • Banking and Finance
    • Internal audit, Investigation and Inspection
    • Disaster Management (Preparedness, Resilience, Response and Recovery)
    • Cash-Based Interventions
  • Closing Date: Closed

IDB3304 - Principal - Credit Risk Management (ICD)

Business Unit: ICD - Islamic Corporation for Development
Division: Credit Risk Management (ICD)
Department: Risk Management Department ICD
Contract type: Regular Staff
Country: Saudi Arabia
Location: Saudi Arabia - Jeddah
Closing date: 18-Apr-2024

Role Purpose:

Tohelpindevelopingendtoendcreditapprovalprocess,implementcreditriskmodelsand methodologies for determining exposure limits for all counterparts and providing broad risk parameterspertainingtootherriskvariables.

Key Functional Accountabilities & Activities:

Credit Risk Assessment:

  • Assesstheriskofallnewfinancingandadvisorytransactions

  • Prepare an end-to-end credit approval process for all new transactions, including term finance, PPP, line of finance, equity, advisory services, with a particular focus on credit risk assessment and exposure limits

  • Collect all new financing requests to ensure that credit risks are adequately assessed, properly approved, continually monitored and actively managed.

  • Assessthequalityandcompletenessofallrelevantdataandinformation neededtoanalysenewtransactions.

  • Check thevalidity andreliability ofkeyassumptionsof eachproposal, providing recommended changes to better reflect ICD’s risk exposure

  • Identify,assess,andquantifykeytransactionrisksandconcerns

  • Provide support to the project teams on appropriate risk mitigation measures, deal structuring issues, pricing, terms and conditions, and financial covenants throughout the entire credit approval process

  • Draft Credit Notes based on independent assessment of the new transactions submitted by the Business Departments during both the concept review and final review phases

  • Ensure that each transaction complies with ICD’s risk assessment guidelines, credit risk exposure management policy, and asset and liability management policy

  • Provide inputs into and draft recommendation for approval of risk ratings for new transactions

  • ProvidesupportforInvestmentCommitteemeetings

  • Provide support to credit risk management professionals and assistants on risk assessment of financial institutions, projects, and corporations in relation to financing/investment proposals including the application of the quantitative and qualitative scoring models, due diligence, financing terms and conditions, risk mitigation, security package, and assignment of exposure limits

  • Ensure that each transaction complies with portfolio management objectives and exposure and concentration limits

  • Check with respect to a) new product approvals, and b) required changes to existing policies and procedures of ICD

  • Providesupportinguidingbusinessteamstomaintain highstandardofcredit submission

  • AssistinreviewingthevaluationsofICD’sequityportfolio.

Credit Risk Monitoring & Control:

  • Collect risk management governance issues at, especially in terms of credit approval processes, committees, and financing/investment decision making

  • Check that all the policies such as Investment Guideline, Risk Assessment Guidelines for Financial Institutions, Corporate Financing and Project Finance are adhered.

  • Assist in initiating enhancements to credit risk management, approaches, models,andtools&techniquesaswellascommunicateandimplementthe same across ICD.


  • Coordinate with the Business Departments from the initiation of the transaction till final approval of the transaction

  • Provide support to Business Departments on suitable terms and conditions of new investments including pricing, transaction structuring, security packages and covenants, reporting and follow-up including participating in due diligence missions.

  • ProvidesupporttocorebusinessunitsandtheInvestmentCommitteeonnew transactions, particularly in respect of risk mitigation measures, transaction structuring, pricing, terms and conditions, and financial covenants.

Knowledge Sharing and Innovation:

  • ContributeeffectivelyineffortstopromoteriskmanagementcultureattheICD level

  • Shareknowledgeanddisseminateinformationrelatedtoriskconceptsand encourage the adoption of best business practices in risk management

  • Sharelatestupdatesandinnovationsinthefieldofriskmanagementtools, solutions,andsoftwarewithICDdepartments

  • Coordinate with the Information Technology function and Business Departments fortheimplementationofsystemsrequiredforindependentrisk assessment by the Risk Management Department.

Qualifications/Professional Experience:

  • Atleast3 yearsofexperienceininternationalfinancialinstitutionsincreditriskororiginationroleisamust.

  • Bachelor’sdegreeinAccounting,Finance,BusinessAdministration,Economics,Statisticsorsimilardiscipline is a must.

  • Master’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Economics, Statistics or similar discipline or aProfessionalcertificateinFinancialAccounting,CFA/FRMoranyrelevantprofessionalcertificationisa must.

  • Workingexperienceoncreditriskassessmentandstructuringofindividualloans,guarantees,andequity investments in corporate and project finance transactions.

  • Inaddition,knowledgeofMSExcel,withstrongfinancialanalysisandmodellingskillsismust.

Core Behavioral and Technical Competencies:

Core Behavioral:

  • Innovation and Initiatives

  • Change Management

  • Developing People Capability

  • Partnership Management

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Self-Effectiveness


  • Credit Risk Policy & Parameters

  • Market Knowledge of the Financial Risk Environment across member countries

  • Remedial Management

  • Credit Risk Evaluation

  • Financial Analysis

  • Knowledge of Term Finance Products and Services including corporate and Equity financing.

  • Knowledge of Financial Institutions Analysis.

  • Financial Modeling & Analysis

  • Knowledge of Shariaa Finance

Language Skills :

  • Capableofcommunicatingintheworkinglanguages(Arabic,EnglishandFrench)ofwhichEnglishisamust.

This vacancy is now closed.