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WCLAC 2023 Political Brief


  • Organization: UNV - United Nations Volunteers
  • Location: Palestine
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Social Affairs
    • International Relations
    • Political Affairs
  • Closing Date: Closed


Mission and objectives

Vision: Empowered women who enjoy their full rights in an independent and democratic Palestinian State wherein principles of justice, equality, and rule of law preside. Mission : WCLAC is a feminist, human rights based organisation that seeks to protect and empower women as well as support them in reaching their full rights through strengthening a legal and legislative system that guarantees women access to justice through activation and participation of all community members to challenge the patriarchal culture; and employing national,regional and international mechanisms in line with international human rights conventions. Objectives Specific objective 1: Enhanced protection of women suffering from discrimination and violence in Palestine. Specific objectives 2: Strengthened women’s right to access to justice and elimination of discriminatory policies against them. Specific objective 3: Increased social responsibility of the Palestinian community towards women rights and elimination of discrimination against them. Specific objective 4: Enhanced effective institutional and human capacity development at WCLAC


WCLAC publishes with each annual a 15 page Political brief on the political context in Palestine during the year, from a Women's rights/Gender perspective. WCLAC has already prepared a semi-annual political brief for 2023. The task would be to finish/modify/ improve it to cover the whole 2023 year. It entails writing, but also data collection and researching on gender in Palestine topics and references.

Task description

This task will support WCLAC as we aim to shed light on the situation of Palestinian women in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) The online volunteer will support of preparation of WCLAC's SEMI ANNUAL 2024 Political Brief for Annual Report.

This vacancy is now closed.