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RFP - Study of impact Assessment for Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating C...

Asia and the Pacific: India

  • Organization: Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating Clubfoot
  • Location: Asia and the Pacific: India
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
    • Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Scientist and Researcher
    • Innovations for Sustainable Development
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    • Impact assessment
  • Closing Date: Closed


Study of impact Assessment for Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating ClubfootWhatisClubfoot:

Clubfoot is a birth defect of the feet wherein one or both the feet are turned inwards. It affects 1 in800 children born worldwide and is one of the largest causes of disability globally. India accounts for20% oftheglobalclubfootbirths i.e. 33,000 childrenarebornwithclubfootinIndiaeach

year. Untreated clubfoot can be extremely painful and causes stigma, loss of education andemploymentopportunitiesandlifelong poverty.


Clubfoot can however very easily and effectively be treated using the Ponseti Method which has asuccess rate of 95%. The treatment changes the trajectory of a child’s life by removing their disabilityandenablingthemtorealizetheir fullpotential.


Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating Clubfoot India is a registered nonprofit that is working to addresstheproblemofuntreatedclubfootinthecountry.OuraimistoensurethatnochildinIndiashouldgrowupdisabledas a resultofbeingbornwith clubfoot.

AnushkaaFoundationforEliminatingClubfootIndiaimplementsitsownclubfootprograminpartnershipwiththegovernmentandselectcharitable/trusthospitalstocreatealong-termandsustainablesolutiontothis solvableproblem,witha heavyfocusonbuildinglocalcapacity.

We sign MoUs with the Department of Health and Family Welfare/National Health Mission for ourprogram.OurprogramisalignedwiththeRashtriyaBalSwasthyaKaryakramofthegovernmentaimingat early identification and intervention for children from birth to 18 years to cover 4 D’s viz. Defects atbirth, Deficiencies, Diseases, Development delays including disability”. Clubfoot is one amongst the 9defects at birth that is prioritised. Clubfoot treatment and our work also aligns with several SustainableDevelopment GoalsoftheUnitedNations particularly#3(Goodhealthandwell-being).


i) ClubfootClinics: Weestablishweeklyclubfootclinicday(s)ingovernmentand/orcharitablehospitalstoensurethatparentsofchildrenwithclubfoothaveaccessatareasonabledistanceandtime.

ii) Medical Training: Train healthcare workers and practitioners in the Ponseti Method. Training isprovidedby orthopaedicdoctorswhoareexpertsinthePonsetiMethodandhaveyearsofexperienceintreating thecondition.

iii) Outreach Activities: We leverage government health system like the Rashtriya Bal SwasthyaKaryakram and community health workers/ASHAs for awareness, identification, and subsequentreferralof clubfoot.

iv) Counselling: Effective counselling and parent support go a long way in treatment adherence anddropout prevention.Weprovidecounsellingin-clinic,telephonically andthroughhomevisits.

v) Treatmentsupplies: TreatmentsuppliesincludefreefootabductionbracesthathavebeendesignedinpartnershipwithStanford University’sDesignSchool.

Anushkaa Foundation for Eliminating Clubfoot India is present in 11 states- Uttar Pradesh, Haryana,HimachalPradesh,Mizoram,Nagaland,Tripura,MadhyaPradesh,Maharashtra,Gujarat,KarnatakaandJharkhandacross 147districts.


Scopeof Work

Thescopeofwork includesanimpactassessmentstudyfocussingonthefollowingobjectives:

  1. Satisfaction with progress of treatment: This is to find out the extent of satisfaction of theparents with respect to the clubfoot treatment of their child. The focus is on progress since thetreatment is ongoing. This would cover various facets of the treatment including the roles thatthegovernmentandAnushkaa Foundationplays.
  2. Quality of life among patients who have completed treatment: Successful treatment resultsin enhanced mobility, allowing individuals to walk, run, and engage in various physicalactivities with greater ease. This increased functionality contributes positively to their overallsense of independence and well-being. The study will identify concerns of patients who havecompletedtreatment andis thereis anyimpactof clubfootin theirdailylife.


Includes the states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, MadhyaPradesh,Maharashtra, Gujarat,andJharkhand.


All active enrolments since inception will be the universe of the study and broken into two separatestudies:

A. AllDistrictswithpresenceofAnushkaaFoundation.

B. Districtswhere patientshave completedtheirtreatment.


Wework withstakeholdersincludingdoctors,RBSK, frontline healthworkers.


Given the geographic distribution of beneficiaries, we are looking for a mix of telephonic and In-personmodeof survey.


We expect completion of study and reports within 6 months of award of the project.ProposalFormat:

Theproposalisrequiredtobe in2section,viztechnical proposal,andFinancialProposal.


Key contact point will be Kalpana Urkade ( & SureshSubramanian(


Please submit a proposal for consideration by end of day 15th June 24. Submit your proposal toKalpanaUrkade(

This vacancy is now closed.