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Climat Risks and Impact Analysis consultant


  • Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
  • Location: Abidjan
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
    • Climate Change
    • Innovations for Sustainable Development
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    • Impact assessment
  • Closing Date: Closed

Climat Risks and Impact Analysis consultant


The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page. 


The Côte d’Ivoire Sanitation and Drainage Sector Policy Letter approved by the Council of Ministers on 24 February 2016 sets the target of 60% access to improved sanitation at national level by 2030 with 75% for urban areas, and 15% of reduction of open defection. In 2022, according to the Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) statistics, the population using safely managed sanitation services in the country was 17.25%. This results of practices of anarchic connections of sewers to rainwater drainage networks, a high rate of use of shared latrines and artisanal septic tanks, uncontrolled discharge of fecal sludge (about 50%) and infrequent emptying. In addition, in the recent decades the country has been experiencing severe hydroclimatic risks including severe floods, droughts and sea-level rise that jeopardize sanitation services and infrastructure and expose the dependent communities at health risks. For example, during the rainy seasons due to heavy flooding, sanitation infrastructure is flooded more often or destroyed, latrines and septic tanks are inaccessible, and excreta is spread-out in the local environment. As a result, unsafely sanitation services, waterborne diseases and skin conditions are commonly reported. 

Côte d’Ivoire is developing a national adaptation plan (NAP) in which sanitation is not directly considered as a key vulnerable sector. One of the key reasons is a lack of scientific evidence on climate risks and impacts on sanitation services and infrastructure in the country. It appears clearly that in such a context, Côte d’Ivoire objective to achieve ODD 6.2 in 2030 is undermined. For example, when latrines are not accessible, open defection increases if appropriate alternative measures are not available.

To improve the visibility of sanitation in Cote d’Ivoire’s climate policies and actions, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded a grant to GGGI to support the promotion of inclusive, climate-resilient urban sanitation in West Africa. This project aims for the following three main outcomes with a focus on Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Senegal:

  • Better understanding of climate resilience opportunities in the sanitation sector in West Africa by strengthening the knowledge sharing platform and approach to advance the sanitation sector in climate policies

  • Integration of sanitation into national climate policies and systems in Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal, and Burkina Faso

  • Identification of economic opportunities in the integrated management of sanitation and solid waste linked to climate issues to facilitate green investments in these sectors.

As part of this project implementation, GGGI aims to assess how climate change may increase risks, pressure and impacts on city-scale sanitation services, including households, and then identify sustainable appropriate adaptation measures in Côte d’Ivoire. The results will be used as evidence in terms of climate change impacts on sanitation system and adaptation measures to inform climate actions, investments and policy makers on the risks associated with delayed actions. In addition, the study will reinforce the country reporting regarding its climate policy commitments.

The study will combine, where possible, qualitative with qualitative analysis but it will emphasis on participatory approaches (co-assessment). It will be gender sensitive.

This study requires the recruitment of a consultant whose duties are described below.



The individual consultant (the “Consultant”) will assess current and future climate risks and impacts on sanitation services at the city-scale including periurban households and communities. He/She will perform end-to-end assessment and consider direct and indirect impacts both on sanitation services, and on dependent households or communities considering their knowledge and capacity. Barriers that limit and weaken decision-makers and dependent household or community actions will be identified along with vulnerability reduction needs. The consultant will then identify vulnerability factors on sanitation services to climate impacts. Based on that analysis, the consultant will identify vulnerability reduction measures and strategies (first level1). The study will be performed along the sanitation service value chain, considering both on-site and sewered sanitation systems.

The duties assigned to this position are estimated to require 65 working days spread out over 04 months. They cover the following two main outputs:


Output 1:  Assessing impacts and vulnerability of sanitation services to climate change along with the sanitation value chain

  • Map the relevant organizations and their role in climate (vulnerability and adaptation) and urban sanitation

  • Select relevant representative urban/periurban areas/locations in Côte d’Ivoire

  • Identify major current climate risks in each of these areas/locations for sanitation services and then select up to two major risks

  • Identify the exposed sanitation units and communities

  • Analyze the sensitivity of these exposed units to climate risks and changes

  • Analyze stakeholders and community knowledge, practices and capacity with regard to climate impact reduction on sanitation services and infrastructure

  • Identify barriers & needs that limit and weaken actions of decision-makers and dependent households or communities in terms of reduction vulnerability

  • Assess current climate risk impacts on sanitation services and infrastructure 

  • Identify current socioeconomic impacts on dependent households and communities

  • Based on climate scenarios (ex. Literature based scenarios), assess future climate impacts on sanitation services & socioeconomic impacts on dependent households/communities.

  • Identify vulnerability factors for the sanitation services, and dependent households/communities.


 Output 2. Vulnerability reduction measures and strategies to enhance sanitation services and infrastructure resilience:

  • Identify and propose specific and realistic vulnerability reduction measures and strategies including appropriate endogenous ones with regard to current & future climate to address sanitation services and infrastructure vulnerability, and reinforce dependent vulnerable community responses as well.

  • Identify technical and institutional capacity building and information and awareness-raising areas for key sanitation players including communities, policy-makers, researchers, NGOs and associations and private sector.  (first level1).

  • Formulate key recommendations to facilitate the integration of these vulnerability reduction measures & strategies into the current national climate policy and strategies (eg. National Adaptation Plan NAP, National Determined Contribution NDC).

 The Consultant will work under the supervision of the country Project Coordinator and with the general supervision of GGGI Cote d’Ivoire Country Representative and the Regional Project Manager.



The consultant must also propose a short fact sheet or policy recommendation draft (2-3 pages) resulting from these missions.

 City-wide inclusive sanitation (CWIS) concept will be used. The following elements will be considered when developing the methodology.


  • The study should, where possible, combine qualitative and qualitative approaches, will emphasize on participatory approaches (Co-construction).

  • Perform study along the whole sanitation service chain (on-site, and sewered-based system) (containment, emptying, transport, treatment, valorization)  

  • Fully integrate gender-sensitive & social inclusion (e.g. poorest, poor, middleclass households, etc.) considerations. For example, how sanitation services in poorest communities are affected compared to those in middle class communities? How poorest women are affected comparing to poorest men when the sanitation system is affected? etc.

  • Consider direct and indirect impacts (impact chain).

 In addition:

  • Be guided by the best available science and, traditional and indigenous knowledge as appropriate.

  • Extreme events, (such as flood, heatwaves, etc.) or slow onset events (e.g. sea-level rise) can be considered if relevant for the selected locations.

  • Take into account seasonality where possible. For example, when conducting a Household/community survey or during analysis of existing data.

  • An integrated analysis will be performed though the sanitation value chain is considered.

  • Take into account technical, institutional, legal and management challenges.

 The consultant will present results for consultation and support the organization of a validation workshop, Workshop costs will be the responsibility of GGGI).



All deliverables as agreed upon in the workplan must be delivered with high quality, within budget and the agreed timeline. They will be completed and submitted to the Côte d’Ivoire Country Project Manager for review and approval.  Major deliverables include:

  1. Inception report.

  2. Interim vulnerability report.

  3. Interim study report.

  4. Final report

 In addition, the consultant must provide as annexes:

  1. The sanitation database used to perform the assessment.

  2. Policy recommendations resulting from the mission.

The consultant will have regular work meetings with the GGGI team to evaluate progress and address challenges. These meetings need to be included in the consultant workplan.

The consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs as per identified timeline and payment schedule below:


Table 1. Planning of the deliverables 

NB. As the contact is deliverable-based, the number of days is indicative and represents the deadline

Key deliverables


Due date (Indicative)


Inception report (deliverable 1)

Must include at least

  • Detailed methodology with data collection and analysis tools to be used
  • Initial list of selected locations with justifications
  • List of key stakeholders to be consulted.
  • Initial list of reference documents
  • Detailed work plan

7 working days after contract signing


Interim vulnerability report (deliverable 2)

Must include results of output 1 described in the objectives of the assignment section

 40 working days


An interim study report (deliverable 3)

Must include results of output 1 and output 2 described in the objectives of the assignment section.

15 working days


A final report (deliverable 4)

Must include:

  • Incorporation of comments by GGGI staff and other relevant stakeholders
  • Contribution to validation workshop and development of workshop report including list of stakeholders, workshop process, key results, challenges and stakeholders’ recommendations
  • database used to perform the assessment

8 working days






Knowledge product



Draft a short policy recommendation paper/fact sheet (first draft – no more than 2-3 pages) (deliverable 5)

Must contain at least:

  • Process
  • Key results
  • Challenges and solutions
  • Recommendations
  • Lessons learnt


All reports must be in French and English (United States usage) upon request, prepared in accordance with GGGI’s formatting requirements, and submitted in electronic formats along with complete sets of raw data, research materials, and related information. An executive summary in English and French should be included.

All relevant technical papers, reports, and other documents prepared from the start to the end of the assignment shall be attached to the Final Report.

The Consultant shall submit the report in both hard copies and electronic versions readable by a Microsoft Office application. Final report must be approved by the GGGI. The Consultant shall consider the comments and necessary revisions proposed. Within 5 working days from the receipt of the comments or modification proposal from the GGGI, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the final versions of the report.

Regular progress reports will be expected throughout the assignment.



Qualifications and Experience

  • Advanced degree (at least Masters) in a relevant analytical field, such as science, waste, WASH, environmental studies, economics, statistics, policy or any other relevant field.

  • At least 5-years proven track record in climate vulnerability assessment.

  • At least 5-years proven record track in disaster risk reduction studies.

  • Proven track record in both qualitative and quantitative analysis including statistical analysis.

  • Proven record in participatory methods or co-development approaches singularly working with vulnerable urban and peri-urban communities and policy makers.

  • Experience in data collection, and environmental and socioeconomic surveys.

  • At least 4-years of professional experience engaging in climate change ecosystem and climate policies in Côte d’Ivoire.

  • Up-to-date knowledge of issues related to United Nation Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC), National Adaptation Plan (NAP), Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, etc.

  • Good track record of participation in Cote d’Ivoire national climate projects (e.g. National Disaster Risk  related project, National communication, NDC etc.)

  • Proven experience and excellent knowledge of the institutional, and regulatory framework on the fight against climate change, disaster risks reduction and sanitation issues in Côte d’Ivoire.


 Skills and Knowledge

  • Ability to lead and work effectively with people from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.

  • Excellent research, communication, presentation, and writing skills.

  • Good command of spoken and written French and English. Fluency in the local language is preferred.

  • Good knowledge of the Ivorian institutional and regulatory framework on climate change and sanitation.

  • Experience in public consultation, workshop organization and reporting.

  • High level of attention to detail and accuracy.

  • Kowledge in gender analysis.

  • Ability to work well under pressure and have a flexible approach to assigned tasks.

  • Good level of proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

  • Knowledge of the sanitation sector and City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a strong advantage.



  • Understands and actively supports GGGI's mission, vision and values.

  •  Promotes an organizational culture of trust, transparency, respect and partnership.

  •  Processes and shares information easily and is excellent at problem solving.

  •  Manages emotions and stress positively, builds rapport and resolves conflict easily.

  •  Strong interpersonal skills to work effectively in a collegial manner in a team-based context.


The successful candidate will ideally take up the position as soon as possible no later than 24 of June for a maximum duration of 70 working days (October 18).

Values logo
Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This vacancy is now closed.