- Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
- Location: Kampala
- Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
Occupational Groups:
- Logistics
- Sustainable trade and development
- Transport and Distribution
- Closing Date: Closed
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
Trademark Africa has partnered with the Danish Embassy for the development policy “The World We Share”. This policy recognizes the importance of facilitating better access to the European Market and regional market integration for developing countries in order to contribute to growth, employment and poverty alleviation. The policy also hopes to address the climate crisis by making trade infrastructure more climate proof. Finally, this policy also hopes to support Uganda’s National Development Plan III (and now IV) that emphasize product certification, sanitary and phytosanitary standards and trade. To deliver this climate resilient industrial infrastructure, Trademark Africa and The Global Green Growth Institute will partner to deliver the “Greening Uganda’s Freezones” Project.
The scope of work is predicated by the ambition to achieve industrial-urban symbiosis. Thus, future strategic infrastructure is to be planned and designed to serve both the freezone and the wider city in a green way. This extends to planning and engagement with not only those responsible for the development of the freezone but also, the surrounding municipality and local businesses.
The consultant, under the supervision of the team leader, will be the primary expert for all value chain analysis deliverables.
Develop green climate proofed masterplans including symbiotic infrastructure plans and infrastructure project concept notes and teasers for 2 freezone locations.
[Specific activities]
- Stakeholder identification and analysis
- Document/data collection and background analysis
- Development of Value chain Analysis methodology, interview and survey tools
- Identification of Value Chain information gaps and limitations
- Collecting data and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information
- Online interviews
- Support site selection exercise.
- Refinement of initial value chain information per site
- Concept note data collection for site specific value chain analysis
- Field surveys/Data Collection Kampala and other additional locations
- Field missions data analysis
- Field missions value chain analysis reports drafts
- Field missions value chain Concept Notes drafts
- Complementary data collection/missions (ex-technical experts).
- Revised sectoral reports and concept notes
- Project Deliverables
- Workplan and methodological tools for the 2 sites.
- Draft master plan and infrastructure plans.
- eCBA and financial plan for infrastructure per site.
- Project concept notes.
- Final report.
[Specific Deliverables]
- Methodological value chain analysis tools for the 2 sites.
- Anchor industry and supporting sectors per site/and value chains analysis identifying opportunities for greening along the value chain.
- Summary demand side and supply side analysis of value chain products.
- Support RECP team in developing a symbiotic infrastructure layout plan to support product valorization per site.
- Market analysis (macro and meso) and market positioning for identified sectors at each site.
- Support the economist and financial team in the development of viable financial models.
- Project concept notes highlighting contribution to GGGI strategic outcomes.
The consultant shall be supervised by the team leader who reports to the Project Manager who they shall work with on a day-to-day basis.
The consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through periodic review meetings, as jointly agreed, and specified in the inception phase. The consultant is also expected to produce, upon GGGI’s request, a formal progress report that includes: an overview of the assignment; a narrative description of project activities; progress on deliverables to date; and actual achievements made against the timeline set.
A soft copy of the draft report shall be sent to Project Manager. A soft and one hard copy of the final report shall also be submitted. The final report will be accompanied by all other material used for the assignment such as notes of meetings including stakeholders’ contacts and so on.
1. Cost for workshops
The consultant will need to fully support the workshops’ preparation and documentation. Costs of the workshops (excluding the time expenses) will be covered by GGGI on an actual basis following GGGI’s cost norms for the relevant year. Workshops need to be pre-approved by GGGI based on a concept note, suggested participant list and accompanying budget.
2. Cost of travel
For any workshops or other engagements, the consultant will be accompanied by GGGI staff. In contrast, GGGI will not meet the costs of commuting within Kampala. If the consultant engages other third-party colleagues, on this assignment, he/she shall be liable for their travel and accommodation arrangements.
[Professional experience]
- Minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience in agricultural value chain analysis and agri business.
- Experience in sustainability and climate action to deliver approvable design solutions.
- Strong experience in financial analysis and modeling will be a distinct advantage.
- Proven multi-stakeholder engagement and communication skills are highly desirable.
- Fluency in English, verbal and written, is required.
- Recognition as an expert in innovative approaches to product valorization.