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Consultant in electric mobility in Cuba


  • Organization: UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
  • Location: Panamá
  • Grade: Consultancy - International Consultant - Internationally recruited Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Renewable Energy sector
  • Closing Date: Closed

Result of Service

The purpose of this consultancy is to support the implementation of the GCF Readiness project “Advancing a regional approach to electric mobility in Latin America” in Cuba.

For this purpose, a consultant in electric mobility is required to create technical documents that support the development and deployment of electric mobility in the country, as well as in the management of relationships and development of workshops necessary for the implementation of the activities and achievement of the results stipulated below.

The consultant will work under the supervision of the UNEP Regional Coordinator for Climate Change and will develop the following activities independently and in accordance with the guidelines. The consultant will also work with the guidance provided by the UNEP Regional Support Consultant, in consultation and collaboration with the Cuban Designated National Authority for the Green Climate Fund and the national project advisory team, as appropriate.

The consultant is expected to have relevant knowledge and insight into the transport and/or sector, so that he or she can offer advice to the relevant national authorities.

All studies and activities are focused on the long-term development of electric mobility for both public and private transport fleets, including 100% electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Policy and business models to expand adoption of electric mobility are identified and improved. The consultant will collect, process and analyze the requested information and make recommendations when necessary. Specifically, the consultant must perform:

1 National analysis of policies and legal frameworks aimed at providing information and strengthening the process to implement the national strategy for electric mobility, including:
1.1 review of existing regulations, policies and standards related to electric mobility, and identification of gaps and lessons learned to better guide the national approach;
1.2 review and propose regulations, policies and standards best suited to the country;
1.3 feasibility analysis for harmonization of regulations, policies and/or standards, if applicable (e.g., electric vehicle charging infrastructure, interoperability, electric vehicle efficiency standards, end-of-life management of batteries and other critical parts); and environmental and social safeguards associated with technology adoption;
1.4 environmental and social safeguards associated with technology adoption

2 Analysis of national business models for public and private fleet vehicles, including:
2.1 Baseline of existing business models for electric mobility deployment, including a strategy of the charging infrastructure deployment.
2.2 Review and proposal for improvement of green public procurement and electric mobility tenders.

The consultant will be responsible for:

• Collect and process the data necessary for the development of the above-mentioned studies.

• Carry out the interviews or generation of information necessary for the development of the mentioned studies .

• Create, promote and maintain relationships with national public, private and civil society actors for their involvement in the project. Actively seek the feedback of all sectors to the proposals to be created.

• Address the needs of national authorities and provide technical advice when required, ensuring their active involvement in the proposals submitted.

• Observe national interests and priorities in the formulation of proposals, studies and conclusions developed.

• Attend meetings, calls, and guidelines provided by the UNEP Project Manager, the Regional Support Consultant and the Designated National Authority of Cuba for the Green Climate Fund; as well as the project technical advisory team.

• Meet the deadlines set by the regional coordinator.

• Attend and support the coordination process for the strengthening of civil society and private sector initiatives that promote an acceleration towards the transition to electric mobility.

• Encourage the participation and exchange of experiences and knowledge of government authorities, promoting leadership on issues in which they have progress.

• Do not divulge information derived from or linked to this consultancy, unless expressly authorized by UNEP.


Product 1: National analysis with policy recommendations and legal frameworks to accelerate the transition to electric mobility including the documents to be developed.

Product 2: National analysis with recommendations for business models and acquisitions to expand the adoption of electric mobility, with a focus on passenger transport and vehicle fleets.

Work Location

Home Based

Expected duration


Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, works closely with the 33 countries of the region, including 16 small island developing States, with a population of approximately 588 million people. The office works to meet the needs of the region and its activities are integrated into the programmes of work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP.

Electric mobility is a priority measure for Latin American and Caribbean countries as a means of decarbonizing the transport subsector and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The transport sector is responsible for nearly a quarter (23 percent) of global energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and is growing faster than any other end-use energy sector. GHG emissions from transport are expected to increase by almost 20 per cent by 2030 and nearly 50 per cent by 2050 unless significant action is taken. Limiting the global temperature increase to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius requires changing this transport emissions trajectory, which involves developing an integrated ecosystem of electric mobility, encompassing various transport modes, accompanied by low-carbon production of electricity and hydrogen, implemented in conjunction with the broader principles of sustainable transport. In Latin America, transport accounted for 67 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2015.

The Latin American and Caribbean region has favourable conditions to advance in the deployment of electric mobility technology, including the high installed capacity based on renewables to generate electricity, the intensive use of public transport buses and the specific weight of the transport subsector in the generation of greenhouse gases, which has led many countries to prioritize the transport sector in their National Determined Contributions.

Despite national efforts to promote electric mobility, this technology is still at an early stage of adoption and has not been able to achieve large-scale deployment. The relevance of a regional approach has been recognized by the countries of the region and evidenced in the discussions and decisions adopted at specialized technical events and high-level ministerial forums. During the XXI Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in October 2018, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. One of the decisions taken on climate change establishes the mandate of Governments to promote development, regional collaboration and the exchange of information on national and regional strategies, as well as the formulation of public policy instruments on innovation, clean technologies and sustainable urban transport and mobility.

Taking into account the common interest of the countries to advance the electric mobility agenda, both at the national and regional level, and the alignment of this initiative with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) results framework, the NDAs of 10 Latin American countries expressed interest in exploring GCF funding opportunities to support regional efforts and the exchange of experiences in electric mobility. In December 2019, the project “Advancing a Regional Approach to Electric Mobility in Latin America” was approved by the Green Climate Fund, through the Preparatory and Support Program, and was officially presented by the region’s ministers during COP (Conference of Parties) 25 in Madrid. The United Nations Climate Change Sub-Programme is acting as a partner in the implementation of this project.

The project, “Advancing a regional approach to electric mobility in Latin America” aims to create the right conditions to promote electric mobility through the exchange of experiences at a regional level and based on taking advantage of economies of scale, ending with the preparation of funding proposals that could be submitted to the GCF and other international financial sources to implement electric mobility initiatives at a sub-national, national, regional or global level. This project will be implemented in 14 countries in parallel.

In this sense, it is required to contract an Electric mobility consultant to develop the results, explained below. This consultancy will be supervised by the UNEP Regional Coordinator for Climate Change and will work from home.

Qualifications/special skills


Bachelor’s degree in engineering, in economics, business administration, law, public administration, public policy or related studies is required.


• At least five (5) years of experience in transportation, energy and/or climate change projects is required.

• Knowledge of the transportation, energy and/or environmental sector, and related legislation in force at the national level is an asset.

• Working experience or knowledge on electric mobility is an asset.

• Working experience in Cuba is an asset.


• The person is required to be fluent in Spanish.

• It is desirable that the person be fluent in written and spoken English.


• Mature judgment and absolute commitment to confidentiality; ability to work independently and under pressure; take the initiative to judge priorities and organize work accordingly; excellent organizational skills, ability to multi-task and attention to detail.

• Intermediate knowledge and ability to use the standard suite of applications (MS Office).

• Strong interpersonal skills and highly developed cultural sensitivity to communicate with all levels of staff and external clients, both orally and in writing;

• Knowledge of the national institutional political reality in relation to mobility.

• Strategic relationship skills, communication skills, and planning and organization skills;

No Fee


This vacancy is now closed.