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SPAR6C Communications and Knowledge Management Consultant


  • Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
  • Location: Bogotá
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Communication and Public Information
    • Education, Learning and Training
  • Closing Date: Closed

SPAR6C Communications and Knowledge Management Consultant


The Paris Agreement provides a comprehensive framework for signatory Parties to reach an ambitious commitment to limit the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C, and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C in a cooperative manner. This framework covers a number of instruments including cooperative approaches under the Article 6 which allows for the potential development of international carbon transactions. GGGI is implementing several programs to catalyze international carbon trading. By opening up carbon markets and facilitating transactions, a robust and reliable global price for carbon can be established, something many governments and private sector actors have long called for as a way to motivate the transformational change needed to achieve the ambitious goals of Paris. GGGI’s Article 6 programs provide technical assistance and capacity building to government counterparts to improve their readiness for Article 6 engagement. These programs support the design of projects and policies for pilot transactions and strengthening of institutional frameworks required for their implementation.

Within this context, the Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German government, is a five year, 20M EUR program. Its objective is to use Article 6 (A6) cooperative approaches to engage the private sector in NDC implementation and to raise ambition. This will enable cost-efficient, flexible, high integrity carbon markets with positive sustainability impacts. Transformative design of A6 pilots for real transactions of internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) will be enabled by research-based capacity building in four partner countries: Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand and Zambia. The program consists of six work packages, of which two are centrally managed and four are country driven. In the first two, best practice tools and approaches to implement cooperative mechanisms will be developed, underpinned by an international forum – a global Community of Practice for Article 6 Implementing Countries (COP-ASIC) - that convenes governments and practitioners who share the common objective of raising ambition through markets. In-country implementation focuses on three areas of work in each of the four countries, which is shaped and informed by a national Readiness and Needs Assessment: 1) Long-term planning, 2) institutional readiness to transact and 3) pilot design and transactions. More than eight A6 pilot programs will be implemented in partner countries. All technical assistance will be informed by a toolbox of innovative guidance and approaches for transformative A6 design. The program is implemented through a consortium led by GGGI and consisting of UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC), Carbon Limits AS, GFA Consulting Group GmbH, and Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC).



The communications goals and objectives of the SPAR6C program are as follows:

  • Goal.  SPAR6C is visible and is consistently recognized by audiences globally and in the countries where it is implemented. 
  • Objective 1: Ensuring consistent visual representation of SPAR6C in line with implementing partners guidelines, and policies.  
  • Objective 2: Ensuring visibility and awareness of SPAR6C implementation progress over time through knowledge sharing.
  • Objective 3: Amplifying Key Impact Messages to enhance global efforts to achieve Article 6 implementation.

The overall objective of this assignment is to support the SPAR6C program with rollout of the robust communications and visibility activities, underpinned by a series of action plans that build on the existing SPAR6C Communications and Visibility Plan. The Consultant will work closely with SPAR6C Global Program Manager, GGGI Communications team, and consortium partners to prepare the program to achieve its communications and visibility objectives by the end of the assignment. This will be accomplished through the development of a number of deliverables as well as the provision of ad hoc communications advisory to program stakeholders.


The Consultant shall lead a wide range of communications and visibility activities for the SPAR6C program over the course of the assignment related to communications planning and implementation as detailed below. Although he/she will be responsible for the deliverables described, this will require close coordination and team work with consortium partners under the supervision of the SPAR6C Global Program Manager.

Objective: Facilitate communications and visibility planning for SPAR6C program (40%). This will be achieved through the following activities and deliverables.

  1. Communications Action Plan Development. The Consultant shall support and coordinate work package leads and communications focal points to develop communications action plans for each of the six SPAR6C work packages. The Consultant will be responsible for developing a planning template for consortium partners and advising action plan development. The Consultant will also be responsible for delivering a combined action plan for 2023 and 2024. A final draft of the combined action plan for 2023 shall be delivered no later than the end of May 2023. A final draft of the combined action plan for 2024 shall be delivered no later than the end of November 2023.
  2. SPAR6C Communications and Visibility Plan Update. The Consultant shall deliver revisions to the SPAR6C Communications and Visibility Plan, streamlining and updating processes and guidance, with a particular focus on raising program visibility, based on the feedback from consortium partners and lessons learned during the first 6 months of the assignment. The Consultant shall deliver revisions for consideration no later than the end of October 2023, and a final draft delivered no later than the end of the assignment.
  3. Multimedia campaign concept for 2024. The Consultant shall deliver and pitch to the consortium a concept for a multimedia campaign for the SPAR6C program aimed at raising program visibility and amplifying key impact messages (Objective 3 of the Communications and Visibility Plan) by incorporating audio-visual elements (e.g. interviews, instructional videos, etc.). Upon agreement of the consortium with the concept, the Consultant shall deliver an implementation plan and indicative budget proposal for the campaign. The Consultant shall deliver the first draft and pitch of the concept no later than the end of November 2023, and the final concept and implementation plan delivered no later than the second week of December 2023.

Objective:  Support communications and knowledge product development for SPAR6C in 2023. (60%) This will be achieved through the following activities and deliverables:

  1. Communications for 2023 Events: The Consultant shall lead the rollout of consortium-wide communications events as outlined in the communications action plans (#1 above). These will include: drafting/reviewing communications materials to share knowledge about the completion of major program milestones (Readiness and Needs Assessments, A6 Strategies, in-country events, etc.) and events such as Innovate for Climate (I4C), the annual global COPASIC event and national events that take place sporadically throughout 2023.
  2. Article 6 Toolbox Guide Production and Dissemination: The Consultant shall manage the production process (copy edit, graphic design, sign-off and release) of six Article 6 Toolbox Guides the first set of major technical reports to be issued by the program before the end of 2023. This will include developing a production schedule, liaising between consortium members and service providers to implement it, and facilitating its release as per the workplan requirements of SPAR6C. The Toolbox Guide milestone (culminating in finalization and dissemination) projected to be reached by September 2023.
  3. Factsheet development. The Consultant shall develop a minimum of 10 factsheets for the SPAR6C program that meet the look and feel requirements of the Communications and Visibility Plan. The following topics will be covered: Country Work Package Summaries (4); Cross-cutting Work Package Summaries (2); SPAR6C Program Overview (1); Summary of Results (1); Other topics to be proposed by the Consultant in consultation with consortium partners (2). Each factsheet shall be maximum 3 pages in length, of which a minimum of one page shall be presented as an infographic. Each of the factsheets shall be produced in English and the relevant factsheets translated to local language (in Spanish, Thai and Urdu). Any additional costs for translation services will be covered by the program if required. These deliverables shall be finalized no later than the second week of December 2023.

Reporting Requirements

  • The Consultant shall report directly to the SPAR6C Program Manager based in Seoul, South Korea. He/she will also work closely with the GGGI Communications team in Seoul HQ and the Communications team of the Colombia country program, based in Bogota.
  • The Consultant shall, at the beginning of the assignment, develop and agree upon a work plan for his/her tasks in with SPAR6C Program Manager. This shall include a proposal for the number of workdays required for each set of activities and deliverables.
  • The Consultant shall submit timesheets showing their daily use of time for the assignment (reported in days or half-days) throughout the duration of the contract. A timesheet shall accompany any invoice submitted for payment.
  • All outputs must be delivered in English. The Consultant may be requested to submit some outputs in other languages where needed and possible.
  • The Consultant shall consider and plan for comments and revisions on all deliverables. Consistent and strong coordination and proactive communication is required for this assignment.

Core expectations:

  • The Consultant will be responsible for managing processes to produce the required deliverables in an effective and time-sensitive manner. He/she must be able to identify challenges to delivery, propose solutions and anticipate the needs of consortium partners to ensure successful delivery of results.
  • The Consultant is expected to deliver apply his/her specialized communications and knowledge management experience to the context of the SPAR6C program, and delivery high quality deliverables consistent with the needs of GGGI and other consortium partners.

In this context, the following expertise is required/preferred:

  • Master's degree or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience (e.g. Bachelor's degree + 2 years of work experience) in the areas of Communications, Marketing, Business Administration, English, or others. [REQUIRED]
  • 5 or more years relevant experience with communications and knowledge management assignments similar to some or all of the deliverables listed in this Terms of Reference. This could include social media use, marketing, branding, strategic planning, etc. [REQUIRED]
  • Demonstrated experience in developing and planning implementation of communication campaigns on topics related to global climate change, the environment, or other sustainable development matters [REQUIRED]
  • Graphic design skills and ability to use Microsoft suite, Adobe Creative Cloud tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, etc.) and/or other platforms [REQUIRED].
  • Professional experience in the communications and knowledge management function in an international organization, national NGO, government, civil society or private sector entity. [PREFERRED]
  • Project management skills and experiences (such as workplan, action planning and stakeholder coordination). [PREFERRED]
  • Basic understanding of issues related to climate change and carbon markets. [PREFERRED]
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English. [REQUIRED)
  • Fluency in Spanish a strong asset. [PREFERRED]



Applicants must submit the following documents to GGGI:

  • Cover letter, CV and example of at least 2 factsheets, infographics or other communications samples (in English) for which the candidate was the lead author/developer in previous roles or assignments.
  • Successful candidates must be a national or resident of Colombia and must have the ability to receive payments in Colombia.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be given one or more preliminary tests and interviewed within 2 weeks of the date of closure of this advertisement.


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Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This vacancy is now closed.