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Consultant – Project “Increasing the ambition of the Nationally Determined Contributions and climate financing in the Central América” in Nicaragua


  • Organization: UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
  • Location: Panamá
  • Grade: Consultancy - International Consultant - Internationally recruited Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Economics
    • Banking and Finance
    • Environment
    • Meteorology, Geology and Geography
    • Climate Change
    • Project and Programme Management
  • Closing Date: Closed

Result of Service

The purpose of this consultancy is to support with the technical coordination in Nicaragua GCF Readiness project "Increasing the ambition of the Nationally Determined Contributions and climate financing in the Central América”.

The consultant will develop project activities and generate inputs for the national context, in coordination with the international consultants and the technical project coordinator, as well as provide support in the management of relationships and development of workshops necessary for the implementation of the activities and achievement of the results stipulated below.

Under the supervision of the UNEP's Programme Management Officer (PMO) for the Climate Change Unit and in close collaboration with the technical project coordinator and the NDA for the GCF of Nicaragua (Ministry of Finance and Public Credit) and the technical authority for climate change (Secretariat of the Presidency for Climate Change of Nicaragua), the consultant will develop the following activities independently and in accordance with the guidelines and work guidance provided by UNEP, in consultation and collaboration with the Central America Integration System (SICA). It is expected that the person hired will actively involve national authorities and other relevant actors, with the aim of preparing decision makers for the implementation of the project’s activities.

It is expected for the consultant to have relevant knowledge about the climate change in LAC region, so that he or she can offer advice to the relevant national authorities and can fully lead the development of the outputs, activities and deliverables of the project and can fully lead the development of the outputs, activities and deliverables of the project by the country, as per below:

Project general outputs:

Output 1.1.1: Regional institutional mechanism for NDC coordination and decision making as part of the CCAD established.
• Activity 1.1.1.a: Assess existing institutional arrangements and develop five national NDC stakeholder engagement plans (one per country) aimed at ensuring the participation of key national sectors and private sector at country level. The documents will guide a process to improve the participation of interested parties in the development, updating and implementation of NDCs within each country.
• Activity 1.1.1.b: Develop a regional institutional mechanism for regional NDC coordination aimed at ensuring the participation of key national sectors and private sector from Countries in the region and its workplan.
• Activity 1.1.1.c: Identify and prioritize national stakeholders from five countries and conduct a regional inception meeting and a regional workshop of the regional governance mechanism, as well as provide. logistics and facilitation support, as well as technical support in case this would be asked for the national governments.

Output 1.3.1: Institutional and legal capacity for updating and implementing the NDC process is strengthened at the national level.
• Activity 1.3.1.a: Review the existing institutional and legal frameworks and regulations in five countries and propose a roadmap (one per country) to strengthen their institutional and legal frameworks for NDC updating and implementation.
• Activity 1.3.1.b: Support and advice national governments on strengthening their legal and institutional frameworks according to the roadmap of the deliverable 1.3.1.a.

Output 2.2.1: Guidance for incorporating relevant complementary SDGs, biodiversity and green recovery goals in the updated NDCs is provided.
• Activity 2.2.1.a: Assess the NDC linkages with other global environmental goals and develop guidance document (one per country) that provides recommendations for incorporating relevant complementary SDGs, biodiversity and green recovery goals in the updated NDCs.
• Activity 2.2.1.b: Design and conduct five national workshops (one per country) focusing on the integration of SDGs, 2030 agenda, biodiversity goals and COVID-19 recovery measures with the updated NDCs climate change.

Output 2.2.2: Current MRV and M&E systems are assessed in line with ETF of the Paris Agreement.
• Activity 2.2.2.a: Assess countries' MRV (mitigation) and M&E (adaptation) systems requirements in light of the new ETF requirements, other political agendas and economic recovery and provide recommendations to strengthen functional capacity of MRV (mitigation) and M&E (adaptation) systems. strengthen their functional capacity.

Output 2.2.3: Integration of regional information, support systems with decision-making processes at CCAD is assessed and enhanced.
• Activity 2.2.3.a: Conduct a regional-level assessment and generate a recommendations report to integrate regional information and support analysis and decision-making processes at CCAD.
• Activity 2.2.3.b: Conduct five national workshops on regional level assessment and generate recommendation report for each country to integrate regional information.

Output 2.4.1: Regional market-based and financial instruments to leverage private sector engagement and investment for NDCs are conceptually design.
• Activity 2.4.1a: Develop the conceptual design(s) of market-based and financial instruments to leverage private sector engagement and investment for NDCs and propose a roadmap for the complete design and development of prioritized instruments. Prioritized instruments and their roadmaps will be submitted for the regional institutional mechanism validation.
• Activity 2.4.1b: Develop a targeted plan that provides information on opportunities for private sector engagement in market-based and financial mechanisms for NDC implementation.
• Activity 2.4.1c: Conduct three regional and five national consultation workshops (virtual, physical, or otherwise) with private sector organizations to engage them in the NDCs update and implementation.

Output 2.4.2: Portfolio of private sector NDC actions and partnerships is developed in each country.
• Activity 2.4.2a: Develop five country level policies and actions portfolios including possible partnerships and investments options, considering both public and private financial flows in the region.
• Activity 2.4.2b: Conduct a regional level Climate Investment Forum on market-based and financial instruments for financing of country NDCs.
• Activity 2.4.2c: Design Public Private Partnership (PPP) models for conducting “NDC portfolio dialogues” with public representatives from the five countries and relevant private sector stakeholders from relevant sectors.

Output 2.4.3: Regional digital platform and participation mechanisms for NDC investment and participation and guidance for engagement of private sector and subnational stakeholders on NDCs are developed.
• Activity 2.4.3a: Design, develop and launch a dedicated regional level digital platform that will link investment information from the private sector with NDCs.
• Activity 2.4.3.b: Develop a subnational participation mechanism (virtual, physical, or otherwise) each per country for sub-national public participation in the NDC updating process.
• Activity 2.4.3.c: Develop a regional-level guidance document that is needed by countries to strengthen the participation of the private sector in in the updating of NDCs.
• Activity 2.4.3.d: Develop guidance document needed to facilitate and strengthen the participation of sub-national governments in the NDC processes.

Activities to be performed by the consultant.
The consultant will be responsible for:
• Develop the activities and deliverables as part of the project implementation in Nicaragua.
• Develop the day-to-day activities in order to ensure that the project meets its objectives and achieves expected outcomes.
• To facilitate, support and carry out, when necessary, the interviews and data collection necessary for the development of the mentioned activities and deliverables.
• Elaborate the deliverables specified below according with the indications of the UNEP Climate Change Unit and in close coordination with the technical project coordinator.
• Elaborate inputs and recommendations for the proper execution of the project.
• Address the needs of national authorities and provide technical advice when required, ensuring their active involvement in the proposals submitted.
• Provide technical advice during the process of preparing the NDC implementation plans, according to the sectors that the National Designated Authority requires, with emphasis on institutional arrangements, technical aspects of climate change, in adherence to the requirements of the UNFCCC.
• Provide technical advice and provide support in specific processes of the national NDC, required by the NDA for the GCF in Nicaragua.
• Provide technical advice and provide support (analysis, guidance, inputs, recommendations, revision, among others) in the development of the NDC’s MRV.
• Prepare proposals and specific technical contributions required by NDA on climate change, to promote the implementation of the NDC.
• Advise, recommend and participate in technical discussions in specialized support in climate change to UNEP, when required.
• Ensure coordination with relevant national institutions and government agencies to guarantee that project activities are distinct and fully complementary to other national initiatives.
• Organize the logistics and content of the national workshops, with special attention to the appropriate involvement of all participants, considering the final objective of the workshop.
• Observe national interests and priorities in the formulation of proposals, studies and conclusions developed, when appropriate.
• Attend meetings, calls, and guidelines provided by the UNEP Project Manager, the international consultants and the Designated National Authorities for the Green Climate Fund, as well as the project technical advisory team.
• Periodic reporting to UN Environment according to the quarterly and annual work plans and budgets in coordination with UN Environment indications.
• Meeting the deadlines set by the UNEP regional climate change unit.
• Encourage the participation and exchange of experiences and knowledge of government authorities, promoting leadership on issues in which they have progress.
• Prepare the Project progress reports and, all annual/year-end project revisions as required.
• Not divulging information derived from or linked to this consultancy, unless expressly authorized by UNEP.

Outputs / Work Assignments for the consultant

Deliverable 1. Document containing the proposals and recommendations for increasing the engagement of subnational governments of Nicaragua in the National Determined Contribution (NDC) process.
Deliverable 2. Document with the proposals and recommendations for the dedicated regional level digital platform that will link investment information from the private sector with NDCs, with specific proposals for integrate the information of Nicaragua
Deliverable 3. Document containing: a) report about the participation of Nicaragua in the Regional Climate Investment Forum organized by UNEP; and b) the proposals and recommendations for increasing the private and public investments in climate change for Nicaragua.

Work Location


Expected duration

3 months

Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.
The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, Panama, works closely with the 33 countries of the region and its activities are integrated into the Medium-Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).

One of the most relevant challenges for the implementation of the Paris Agreement poses to countries is to count with strong Transparency Frameworks. Article 13 of the Paris Agreement establishes the need of Parties to implement national robust and transparent monitoring, reporting, verification, and accounting systems to provide clarity on action and support while providing clear information to stakeholders. As part of building and enhancing their Transparency Frameworks, Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will progressively implement better tools and institutional arrangements, many of them not sufficiently developed in the countries. This is especially true for developing countries.

The UNFCCC enhanced transparency framework demands substantial and immediate progress in the countries´ domestic Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems and strategic de-carbonization and adaptation planning. This entails moving from often disintegrated and often different methodological approaches in data management to an integrated and robust system. The success of the Paris Agreement hinges on enhanced transparency of action and support, as a critical foundation to making its bottom-up country-led approach work, as well as mutual trust and confidence amongst Parties.

Considering the common interest of the countries to advance the transparency agenda, both at the national and regional level, and the alignment of this initiative with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) results framework, the National Designated Authorities (NDAs) of 5 Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries expressed interest in exploring GCF funding opportunities to support regional efforts and the exchange of experiences in transparency agenda. In December 2020, the project "Increasing the ambition of the Nationally Determined Contributions and climate financing in the Central América" was approved by the Green Climate Fund, through the Preparatory and Support Program.

The project, "Increasing the ambition of the Nationally Determined Contributions and climate financing in the Central América " aims to create the right conditions to promote enabling conditions and build capacities into the national governments, as well as facilitate private and public sectors articulation, as well as the exchange of experiences at a regional level. This project is being implemented in 5 countries in parallel, including Nicaragua.

In this sense, it is required to hire a consultant to develop the results, explained below. The incumbent will be supervised by the UNEP's Programme Management Officer of Climate Change Unit (and will work from home.

Qualifications/special skills

University degree (Bachelor’s) in economics, finance, law, administration, political science, international relations, engineering, science, or similar is required.
Postgraduate: a Master's degree in environment policy, engineering, economics or development is desired.

• At least five (5) years of experience in projects of public policy, climate change, environmental economics, fiscal policy, climate policy, impact evaluation, economic research, development or disaster and emergency response is required.
• At least two (2) years of specific work experience in NDC implementation, climate change policies implementation is desirable.
• Specific work experience in climate change in Nicaragua and/or Central America region is desirable.

• Mature judgment and absolute commitment to confidentiality; ability to work independently and under pressure; take the initiative to judge priorities and organize work accordingly, excellent organizational skills, ability to multi-task and attention to detail.
• Intermediate knowledge and ability to use the standard suite of applications (MS Office)
• Strong interpersonal skills and highly developed cultural sensitivity to communicate with all levels of staff and external clients, both orally and in writing.
• Ability to identify issues, analyse and participate in the resolution of issues/problems. Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, plan own work and manage conflicting priorities. Shows pride in work and in achievements.
• Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; Remains calm in stressful situations; Shows leadership capacities.
• Strategic relationship skills, communication skills, and planning and organization skills.
• Experience in teamwork, with recognition in the field of their specialty to cooperate with consultants of other specialties.
• Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.


• Fluency in Spanish (required)
• Fluency in English (desirable)

No Fee


This vacancy is now closed.