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Technical Consultant for Nature4Cities in Honduras


  • Organization: UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
  • Location: Panamá
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Climate Change
  • Closing Date: Closed

Result of Service

The main objective of the position is to provide technical inputs to the National Coordinator of Nature4Cities in Honduras and to ensure operational effectiveness during the planning and implementation of the project.

The Technical Consultant for Nature4Cities in Honduras will report directly to the Adaptation to Climate Change Programme Officer Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and will work in closed collaboration with the project’s national coordinator in Honduras.

The Technical Consultant for Nature4Cities consultant´s main duties and responsibilities will include:

a. Collaborate in the administrative process on preparation and organization of travel itineraries for national and local events, trainings, meetings, or related.
b. Organize multiple-stakeholders’ workshops to obtain feedback on the Nature Based Urban adaptation and mitigation Plans for La Lima and El Progresso.
c. Lead the drafting of the technical report on Plan for Engagement of the private sector in urban NbS (Deliverable
d. Provide inputs and support the drafting of the technical report on Financial guidelines to support investment in climate action developed (Deliverable
e. Gather and summarize agreements and recommendations for the elaboration of concept note to the Adaptation Fund (Deliverables and
f. Identify sources of data and provide input for the development of M&E frameworks for urban NbS in La Lima and El Progresso (Deliverable
g. Participate in training activities, report writing and facilitation of expert activities.
h. Inform the National Coordinator immediately of any issue or risk which might jeopardise the success in logistical and administrative terms the performance of any activity that is being coordinated and that may affect the achievement of the project's objectives.
i. Collaborate the National Coordinator regarding outputs progress, and information for progress reports.
j. Provide input to technical and financial reports and other documents as described in the project document.
k. Perform other duties as requested.
l. Liaise with different experts involved in the project and local stakeholders.
m. Draft communication material for dissemination of project results
n. Collaborate the National Coordinator in the coordination of meetings and workshops among other activities.

Ultimate result of service

- City-level climate finance assessment (funding sources, climate finance instruments) reports for La Lima and El Progreso, Honduras.
- City-level private sector engagement plan for La Lima and El Progreso, Honduras.
- City- level financial guidelines to support investment in climate action, outlining potential opportunities for investments on NbS for urban areas.

Outputs/Work Assignment¿

- Drafting technical reports.
- Liaise different experts involved in the project and local stakeholders.
- Draft of communication materials.

Work Location

Ministry of Environment, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Expected duration

12 Months

Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations system's designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action.

The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, works closely with the 33 countries of the region - including 16 small island developing States - with a population of about 588 million people. The office works to serve the needs of the region and its activities are integrated into the work programs approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP (UNEA).¿

UNEP seeks to support countries in Latin America to implement the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the new Paris Agreement and the priority actions defined in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Latin American countries.¿

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is the second most urbanized region in the world, with ~80% of its population living in cities. Rapid urbanization, coupled with limited urban planning and the associated expansion of cities, is degrading urban and peri-urban ecosystems that provide vital ecosystem services for urban communities. Ecosystem degradation poses a threat to urban communities and increases their vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change related impacts.¿
To address the vulnerability of urban communities, governments in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region need to develop and implement cost-effective, low-risk solutions, such as Nature-based Solutions (NbS) by protecting, maintaining and rehabilitating priority ecosystems in urban areas. As a result, UNEP is working with the governments of, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Cuba, Panama, Guatemala and Uruguay to execute a two-years, Readiness project “Nature4Cities - Increasing resilience through Nature- based Solutions in Latin-American cities” funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of participating countries to design and implement Nature- based urban development strategies that ensure urban resilience to climate change through five main areas of work: (1) Strengthening the knowledge base of national and local governments to assess the potential for Nature- based Adaptation and Mitigation Solutions in urban areas in the context of broader climate change strategies; (2) Reinforcing enabling policies and institutional frameworks to increase adoption of NbS in urban planning; (3) Strengthening partnerships between key actors to accelerate the adoption of NbS solutions; (4) Defining climate finance strategies through innovative public, private and blended financial mechanisms and facilitating access to climate finance for the sustained implementation of NbS; (5) Accelerating upscaling and replication through a regional Urban NBS platform.¿

The Nature4Cities Urban Finance Expert will be responsible for developing an adaptation finance strategy that can maximize public, private, and external financial resources towards increasing the implementation of Nature Based urban development strategies in Honduras.

The Nature4Cities Urban Finance Expert will be supervised by the Adaptation Programme Officer of UNEP’s Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and will work in close collaboration with Honduras’s National Designated Authority (NDA). He/She will be based in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The Technical Consultant for Nature4Cities consultant in Honduras will be responsible to provide technical inputs to the implementation of project activities including drafting of technical reports, provide information for progress report as well as administrative process, organization and preparation of travel, itineraries for events, trainings, meetings, or related, participate in trainings activities, support the National Coordinator in Honduras in the coordination of meetings and workshops in other activities and products of the project. He/She will be supervised by the Adaptation to Climate Change Programme Officer Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, working on a schedule of 40 hours per week, from Monday to Friday, full time at the Ministry of Environment, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The Consultant will be required to travel on a regular basis to the project’s targeted cities, as required by the project’s implementation.

Qualifications/special skills

- Bachelor’s Degree in architecture, environment, sustainable development, urban development or closely related field is required.
- Master’s degree in human settlements, sustainable development, environmental development, urban development, or a closely related field is required.

- A minimum of 4 years of relevant work experience in urban development, socio-environmental interactions, analysis of spatial and demographic data, policy analysis, or similar is required.
- Experience participating in the processes of development and implementation of public policies is desirable.
- Experience in public participatory development processes involving multiple stakeholders is an asset.
- Proven experience in working and collaborating with national and/or local governments is desirable.
- Experience working in regional projects is desirable.
- Experience working in Honduras is desirable.
- Experience in research, data collection and analysis for drafting of technical reports is an asset.¿

- Fluent in Spanish is required
- Fluent in English is required

¿Special Knowledge and Skills:¿¿
- Demonstrated solid knowledge of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change, ecological restoration, and sustainable exploitation of natural resources.¿
- Ability to pick up new terminology and concepts easily and to turn information from various sources into a coherent project document.¿
- Ability to design and develop technical documents.¿
- Excellent organization and planning skills.¿
- Excellent communication skills (written and oral presentations).¿
- Ability to work independently and as a team.¿
- Motivated and dynamic to jump-start activities.¿

No Fee


This vacancy is now closed.