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Job vacancies at Bashpole Software

Bashpole Software addresses the urgent issue of misinformation, supports nonprofits in accomplishing their marketing goals, and collaborates with the government research and development community for artificial intelligence enabled software. Currently, our primary activity is through our PromoterMotor division, which provides ad agency services to nonprofits for Google Ad Grants and back-end services to other ad agencies. There are at least four big reasons for why we do this work:

  1. The more people that learn about a nonprofit, the more beneficiaries, volunteers, donors, members, and supporters of every kind that nonprofit will attain, and therefore, the greater the mission impact it will make.
  2. Online marketing requires a surprising amount of expertise, time, and ongoing training that we, as specialists, can provide more efficiently and effectively than our clients could manage on their own. In other words, there’s a need for our knowledge, processes, and technology.
  3. Compared to working or volunteering directly for a single nonprofit, by working here, we can create more more benefit for the world because our software and services can scale up to serve thousands, maybe someday millions, of good causes worldwide. Therefore, our collective impact through our benefit to a wide variety of nonprofits is greater than through anything else.
  4. Nonprofits are naturally in the business of countering misinformation by correcting misperceptions, reducing biases, and educating the public. By helping them, we help fight misinformation.

As a social enterprise, we reinvest the majority of our profits to deepen sustainability and ensure the fulfillment of our mission to benefit the world through benefit to our nonprofit clients.

Countering Misinformation

Misinformation (accidentally wrong information) or disinformation (intentionally inaccurate information), plagues the internet nowadays and makes it difficult for the public to make informed decisions. With a society that relies on their phones and computers to keep up with the world and their communities, there is a great need to bring clarity and honesty to the web. The purpose of most nonprofits is to educate the public, therefore in working for them, we have a business model that aligns with spreading genuine information.

For example, we write ads that help Crime Stoppers USA, The Association for Fundraising Professionals, and other nonprofits distribute accurate and counter-misinformation to the public. Bashpole Software is committed to addressing the problem of misinformation and is working toward developing software that will write ads that counter unreliable sources.

Non-profit Work

With respect to investing in marketing, non-profit organizations are at a disadvantage because of the outdated expectations by the public. As mentioned in the Ted Talk by Dan Pallotta, investing in marketing for the purpose of scaling up an organization is crucial the nonprofit sector’s ability to do more to benefit the world.

Bashpole Software acknowledges these challenges that nonprofits must face, and in doing so offers agency-style services to write content and run campaigns on behalf of nonprofits. A division of Bashpole, Promoter Motor, is tasked with assisting nonprofits in obtaining membership in the Google Ad Grants program and providing corresponding social media marketing.

As a company, we choose to spend our time helping nonprofits with marketing in part because our expertise is beneficial to them but also, and more importantly, because this is our way to make a difference for more causes than we could any other way.

Applied Research and Development Work

Bashpole Software has historically obtained grants from government-based small business funding initiatives in partnership with the academic research and development community. These enabled our current direction with with faster, smarter, more automatic solutions to combating misinformation and supporting non-profit advertisement objectives.