Our Vision
The IVAA’s vision is a world where the benefits of anthroposophic medicine are widely recognised, and where patients and doctors have ready access to complementary anthroposophic medicines and treatments that improve health outcomes.
The IVAA, or Internationale Vereinigung Anthroposophischer Ärztegesellschaften/ International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations, promotes the recognition of anthroposophic medicine and its implementation in health care systems. Our vision is a world where the benefits of anthroposophic medicine are widely recognized, and where patients and doctors have ready access to complementary anthroposophic medicines and treatments that improve healthcare outcomes.
The IVAA’s four main strategic objectives are to:
- Promote the visibility and recognition of anthroposophic medicine
- Ensure the availability of Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (AMPs)
- Contribute to the quality of health care through the implementation of anthroposophic medicine into health care systems
- Contribute to a thriving Integrative Medicine movement
An introductory brochure for the IVAA is available here [pdf]; or, follow one of the links to learn more about IVAA’s members and board, or about key issues in anthroposophic medicine.
IVAA’s statutes are available here, in English [pdf] and German [pdf].