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Job vacancies at BABSEACLE

BABSEACLE collaborates globally in the development of justice education and access to justice initiatives while simultaneously fostering generations of pro bono minded champions.

BABSEACLE has been working collaboratively with universities, law students, law faculties, lawyers, members of the legal community, and justice related organizational partners since 2003 to develop justice education and pro bono related programs throughout Asia. These programs assist in providing access to justice services while simultaneously helping to build the next generation of social justice, pro bono minded champions.

These programs and clinics assist communities, provide legal aid services and simultaneously help to build the next generation of social justice, pro-bono minded champions.

BABSEACLE’s mission is to help establish, strengthen and support Access to Justice and Rule of Law in Asia and globally through justice education, including a core focus on legal ethics, professional responsibility and pro bono awareness raising.

This is achieved through primary focus on university-based and community-based justice education initiatives such as Clinical Legal Education (CLE) programs.

Through Clinical Legal Education (CLE) programs, we intend to improve access to justice across Asia by educating the social justice, pro bono champions of tomorrow as they serve the legal needs of marginalized communities today.

What We Do

BABSEACLE works collaboratively with universities, law faculties and organizational partners to develop and strengthen university-based Clinical Legal Education and Community Empowerment Programs throughout Asia.

BABSEACLE builds bridges by raising awareness about the issues faced by the communities we serve. We facilitate people-to-people exchanges, volunteer programs and legal trainings, with the aim of building a network of legal professionals and community leaders to address the root causes of access to justice issues.


Provides technical, administrative and organizational support, and helps establish and strengthen university-based and community-based CLE programs.

Conducts grassroots “training of trainers” workshops, using interactive Community Legal Education methodology.

Develops and assists in the development of interactive legal curricula and manuals for university law faculties, community-based legal advisors, paralegals, non-governmental and governmental organizations.

Coordinates and hosts an International Legal Studies Externship Clinic and promotes course credit for eligible participating students.

Organizesand facilitates CLE exposure visits, and CLE exchanges and trainings between students and professors.

Works to connect new university clinics with established university clinics, and to team clinics with pro bono departments of law firms and corporations.

Trains and assists in the development of the professional, ethical and legal skills of lawyers and professors of law.

Offers opportunities for pro bono departments of law firms and corporations to sponsor BABSEACLE Legal Fellows and CLE programs.