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Job vacancies at CDP - Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

An institution serving Italy since 1850. We foster sustainable development in Italy, using savings responsibly to support growth and boost employment, supporting innovation, business competitiveness, infrastructure and local development.

We finance the infrastructure and investments of public administrations. We support policies to improve the real estate assets of local authorities for urban regeneration, we invest in social infrastructure, sustainable mobility and new forms of housing.

We offer integrated support to local authorities through technical advisory services for all stages of public works. Our approach is aimed at ensuring social cohesion and promoting eco-sustainable infrastructure, through a rigorous analysis of the economic, social and environmental impacts of our work.

We support the development of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, also internationally, by providing tools and expertise. By offering integrated financing, equity and advisory services, we contribute to the growth of productive sectors, the acceleration of digitalization and innovation in Italy, and the strengthening of its private equity and venture capital market.

We have been the Italian National Promotional Institution since 2015. This role has allowed us to broaden the scope of our activities, offering financial advice to public administration bodies for the use of national and European funds and mobilising financial resources from other public and private entities.

To assist in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, we not only directly manage part of the resources for strategic initiatives to get the Italian economy moving, but also support central and local governments with dedicated technical and financial advisory services. Our strategies are aligned with Italy's priorities: investing in young people, fighting climate change, accelerating the energy and digital transition, promoting gender equality.

We are also the Italian Financial Institution for Development Cooperation. In this role, we finance high-impact economic, environmental and social initiatives in strategic sectors and promote specialised programmes for climate change, financial inclusion and women's entrepreneurship in developing countries and emerging markets.