Welcome to the career site of Dienste in Übersee - Brot für die Welt on Impactpool!
For almost 60 years, Dienste in Übersee (DÜ) is looking for development workers for partner organisations of Brot für die Welt - Bread for the World. DÜ selects these ecumenically and development-politically committed specialists according to standardised procedures, trains them in intensive preparation for service over several weeks and accompanies them during their time abroad and after their return. Dienste in Übersee is a 100% subsidiary of the Protestant Agency for Diakonia and Development with the brand Brot für die Welt.
Brot für die Welt is the worldwide relief organization of the Protestant Churches in Germany. In more than 90 countries around the globe, Brot für die Welt empowers the poor and marginalised people to improve their living conditions through their own efforts.
The work of Brot für die Welt primarily focuses on the support of projects in the countries of the Global South. An essential feature of our projects is our close and continuous cooperation with local, often church-related partner organisations. Brot für die Welt supports capacity and competence building in partner organisations by seconding European professionals for an employment based on the German “Development Aid Workers Act” (EhfG).
This is based on three principles:
- Autonomy: Brot für die Welt gets active only upon request – the partner organisation is responsible for the project.
- Independency: The professional is an employee of the partner organisation. His/her contract is limited – for three to a maximum of six years. He/she does not receive any executive functions.
- Competence: The chosen professionals possess skills and experience- as well as intercultural competence.
DÜ is one out of seven organisations recognised nationwide by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With a contract according to EhfG, skilled workers abroad also receive social security coverage according to German standards. In addition, DÜ imparts relevant knowledge and practical skills for intercultural work with people in preparation and accompaniment. DÜ therefore is member of the Association of German Development Services (AGdD).