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Job vacancies at DFF - Digital Freedom Fund

Who we are

The Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) exists to support the digital rights community in Europe to advance and protect human rights in digital spaces and reduce the negative impact of technology in the world. Since 2017, we have built a strong record of conscientious grantmaking, curated events, and an expanding network of partners and allies, all united in the desire to create systemic change.

What we do

We support Europe’s digital rights litigators and activists, enabling them to become more effective in their work. We do this through grants that support the legal, advocacy, research, and other costs involved in strategic litigation, and through facilitating skills and knowledge-development, and networking events. By equipping digital rights litigators to win more strategic digital rights cases, we seek ultimately to contribute to a society in which technology and digital spaces are used justly and fairly so that all communities and individuals can fully enjoy their human rights.

To date, we have financed over 70 pre-litigation research and litigation projects. These grants have covered issues from gig economy worker protections and promoting free speech online, to challenging bulk surveillance and algorithmic profiling. See more case studies here. We currently support grant applications based on Litigation Track Support and Pre-Litigation Research. Read more about our grantmaking process and criteria.

Our Community Strengthening and Support focuses on facilitating events and convenings as well as developing resources to support organisations and individuals in pursuing litigation on digital rights issues. This area of work includes projects which have their own vision and objectives, while also sharing common goals and adhering to transversal values based on decolonial and anti-oppressive principles.