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Job vacancies at IQQO - Oromia Agricultural Research Institute

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO,-Institiutii Qorannoo Qonna Oromiyaa). IQQO was established by regional proclamation No. 44/2001 in 2001 to support the agricultural development in Oromia Regional State through adapting, generating, multiplying, and disseminating appropriate agricultural technologies. So far, a number of research recommendations including improved crop, livestock, natural resource management, agricultural mechanization, food science, coffee and tea technologies, and information were generated and disseminated to the farming/pastoral communities. Currently, IQQO has 17 research centers established across the region based on socio-economic and agro-ecologies of farming communities mandated to multi-research disciplines


To adapt, generate and transfer scientific knowledge and technologies for farming and pastoral communities for sustainable agricultural development.


To see food and nutrition secured and prosperous farming and pastoral communities in Oromia by 2025.