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Job vacancies at PV - Progressive Voice

Progressive Voice is a participatory rights-based policy research and advocacy organization rooted in civil society, that maintains strong networks and relationships with grassroots organizations and community-based organizations throughout Myanmar. It acts as a bridge to the international community and international policymakers by amplifying voices from the ground, and advocating for a rights-based policy narrative.

Underpinning our work and identity is a commitment to human rights principles. We stand for the universality, inalienability and absolute nature of human rights, and do not discriminate against people on grounds of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, social standing, religion, political or other beliefs.

We maintain a gender-inclusive staffing policy that also draws strength from the ethnic and religious diversity of its staff while also aiming to foster and develop a young generation of people of Myanmar, particularly from marginalized communities, that will take the organization forward in years to come as well as contributing to the discourse and work towards democracy in Myanmar. Decision-making is principled, collective and consensus-orientated within Progressive Voice, ensuring the values of inclusivity and active participation.

Progressive Voice’s research is done ethically, following the principle of ‘do no harm.’ Based on this research, we produce independent and principled analysis that remains non-aligned and independent of any political parties and political and religious institutions.

Progressive Voice focuses on three main thematic policy areas:

(1) Governance Reforms, including political, democratic, constitutional, administrative and institutional reform;

(2) Rule of Law, including access to justice, legislative and judicial reform, strengthening the space and work of civil society and human rights defenders, and protecting religious minorities; and

(3) Sustainable Development, including labor rights, foreign investment, corruption, transparency and accountability.

Human rights is a central issue that is reflected in all analyses, publications and policy recommendations.