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Consultant, IFRC National Society Preparedness and Response Capacity Contribution to Localization Research


  • Organization: IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • Location: Global
  • Grade: Consultancy - Consultant - Contractors Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Education, Learning and Training
    • Disaster Management (Preparedness, Resilience, Response and Recovery)
    • Civil Society and Local governance
    • Emergency Aid and Response
    • Scientist and Researcher
  • Closing Date: Closed

Organizational Context

Please see here the full organizational context.

Job Purpose

To conduct research and analysis on the contribution of National Society preparedness and response capacity strengthening efforts on localization through enabling a more locally-led humanitarian assistance.  



Founded on a solid basis of existing research, analyses and key informant interviews with Movement Partners and other stakeholders, establish an understanding and evidence of how the localization agenda and preparedness efforts contribute to NS response capacity and ultimately to more locally-led[1] responses.


Primary research questions (to be refined during Inception phase) are::

  • In what ways and where does enhanced institutional preparedness contribute to localization i.e., quality, timely locally-led responses (NS HQ and branches)? and in what ways does empowered locally led action contribute to strong operational coordination, with less support needed from external / international actors?
  • What trends exist among successful preparedness initiatives across the Movement?
    • What works and what doesn’t?
    • Thinking 5 or 10 year ahead what areas need to be strengthened (g., could Artificial Intelligence improve preparedness and response work in the future) and which areas might be less important in the future/or should be adapted to the new trends,
  • How does the PER approach and mechanism support a coordinated approach towards response capacity strengthening among Movement partners and contribute to a collective impact?
    • How does PER overlap with and contribute to National Society Development initiatives, and how have partners effectively supported both approaches?
  • What areas for future development might require investment to amplify the impact of preparedness activities on NS response capacity (locally-led response, local operational leadership and decision-making)?
    • How might bottlenecks and challenges be tackled? How might successful initiatives be scaled up?
  • What motivates a NS to prioritize preparedness activities and operationalize PER?


[1] The term localisation was popularised by the Grand Bargain and refers to approach or process taken by the international humanitarian system to increase investment and respect for the role of local actors.

Locally-led action denotes approaches where programmes/interventions are conceived, shaped and delivered closer to the affected communities (ie local actors such as NS esp the branches) and as such the emphasis is on the power and agency of the 'local' not on the 'international support'.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Research Methodology

Research will be conducted by an external consultant (or small team) leading the research process in close collaboration with DRM (preparedness and operations) and localisation experts from within the International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies network. Persons identified for the role should have 3-6 months availability to complete the desk review, data collection, analysis, reporting, case study development and dissemination activities outlined below.


Research on primary and secondary data should pertain to the implementation of preparedness initiatives in the long term, as well as immediate lead up to and throughout emergency responses. In addition to RCRC relevant staff, the research should also look to include input from civil protection, national government disaster management/ coordination body and other relevant government agencies (such as Ministry of Health) or other stakeholders, where applicable, as a way to validate a NS preparedness and response actions.


This research intends to review existing research and other documents (relevant operation and program reports, other operational findings and learnings) and collect data from a variety of primary sources to address research questions. Findings, trends, and recommendations resulting from this preliminary research on preparedness impacts on localization should help inform and enhance preparedness practices within the RCRC Movement.


1) Mandatory Briefings

  • IFRC NS Preparedness
  • IFRC NS Response Capacity
  • IFRC Localization
  • Task Force for this research (part of PER Core group)

2) Secondary Data Review and Research Tools

  • Review available secondary data and existing resources on NS capacity strengthening
  • Design data collection, analysis and reporting methodology
  • Design interview guide for various interviews
  • Design interview notes and data analysis forms
  • Design the final report template
  • Submit inception report (including all above tools and templates) for feedback and validation by the Task Force

3) Primary Data Collection and Analysis – Key Contexts (countries/ NS) and Informant Interviews

  • Finalise list of countries/ NS in consultation with IFRC ROs and NS and their partners (to be done by Task Force). Initial suggestion:
    • Up to 2 countries per region (based on the agreed upon criteria)
    • Research team visiting up to 5 countries (1 per region) to conduct interview and develop contents for success stories
    • Other interview to be conducted by Research team virtually or through the IFRC/PNS in-country staff together with the NS
  • Finalize list of key informant interviews (NS and relevant in country partners, IFRC (various levels) and relevant PNS)
  • Conduct key informant interviews
  • Gather notes and insights in the Interview Notes Form and carry out the data (including secondary data) analysis.

4) Present Findings in Final Report and Disseminate

  • Discuss findings and analysis from primary and secondary data with PER core group and other operations coordination teams
  • Collate findings in the research final report, with feedback from PER core group and other operations coordination teams
  • Agree on recommendations to put forward in the report, with feedback from the Task Force.
  • Finalize and share the report with the Task Force

For the PER Core Group, supported by the Task Force:

  • Disseminate the report with Movement Partners and key stakeholders
  • Adapt approaches based on recommendations from the report

Job Duties and Responsibilities (continued)

Desired Outcomes and Outputs

  • Inception report including research tools:
    • Initial desk review
    • Finalizing/elaborating key research questions
    • Proposed methodology and specific timeframe, including:
      • Data collection, analysis and reporting methodology and tools/templates/forms
      • Interview guide (for various categories of interviewees)
      • Final Report template
  • Concise final report with findings, trends and recommendations
    • Case studies (up to 4; short max. 4 pages. TBC)
    • PowerPoint presentation to disseminate the key research findings and recommendations

For the PER Core Group, supported by the Task Force:

  • Engagement with Movement Partners to socialize best practices in NS Response Capacity Strengthening


Research Team Competencies

The research team should have strong expertise and knowledge in the following areas:

  1. Research skills experience
  2. Strong emergency operations experience
  3. In depth understanding of preparedness and response capacity strengthening of local actors.
  4. Strong understanding of Localization
  5. Experience working with the Red Cross Red Crescent


Consultancy Duration

Maximum 60 days between April to October 2024.



The review is intended to be utilized both internally to inform and improve how NS preparedness efforts can be strengthened and better coordinated, and externally, to be presented at a range of high-level policy discussions and events with states and donors and the humanitarian sector more broadly.



The time duration for consultant (Research Team) will be 60 days max during a period of 6 months between April and October 2024. Please find the tentative schedule here, it will be adjusted and detailed first week of the consultancy.




  • Masters’ or higher degree in disaster management, Information management or related subject.



  • Strong experience in carrying out research.
  • Experience with NS Preparedness for Effective Response approach or institutional preparedness of local actors.
  • Experience in conducting research or studies on the topic of localization or locally-led action.
  • Experience conducting research using primary data (key informant interviews) and secondary data (desk review).
  • Experience in coordinating projects, including liaising with different stakeholders.
  • Experience in disaster management or related field.
  • Experience of working for the Red Cross/Red Crescent.

Knowledge, Skills and Languages


  • Strong spoken and written English.
  • Analytical skills and ability to think strategically.
  • Able to influence, communicate, co-operate, and negotiate with a wide range of people and organizations.

Competencies, Values and Comments

Application Instructions

  • Please submit your application in English only.
  • Please include in your cover letter your availability and your current Daily Fee Rate in CHF.
  • Please submit a proposal outlining the proposed methodology, rough timeframe, team composition and estimated cost to and



IFRC values equal opportunity, diversity and inclusivity. We encourage applications from all suitably qualified candidates, irrespective of sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, nationality, class, political opinions, ethnic or social origin, disability, religion, or belief.

This vacancy is now closed.