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Peru: NDC in Adaptation of the Thematic Area of Fishing and Aquaculture


  • Organization: GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute
  • Location: Peru
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Environment
    • Agriculture and Forestry
    • Maritime
    • Fisheries
    • Climate Change
    • Malaria, Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases
    • Water Resource Management
    • Sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources
  • Closing Date: Closed

Peru: NDC in Adaptation of the Thematic Area of Fishing and Aquaculture

Assignment: Preparation of the baseline and report of progress in the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in adaptation of the thematic area of ​​Fishing and aquaculture

Based in Seoul, The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change. 

The NDC Partnership (NDCP) provides financial support to the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) for updating the Determined National Contributions (NDC) in mitigation and adaptation. Within this framework, MINAM has the support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in adaptation to climate change (ACC) activities in the thematic areas of Water, Forests and Fisheries. The objective of the support is to deepen and update the existing information of the sectors corresponding to the thematic areas prioritized in adaptation, in order to have a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System, which allows reporting the level of progress in the implementation of measures of adaptation at the country level, between Peru and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

The financing of the NDCP is part of an effort by the Adaptation Directorate of the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification (DGCCD) of the MINAM, Ministry of Strategic Development of Natural Resources, who has been developing the design and roadmap for the implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation System for adaptation and mitigation measures, in compliance with Article 32 (Title V) of the Regulation of the Framework Law on Climate Change. 

The first step in this effort was the preparation of a Technical Note Report on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in each technical area related to Adaptation to Climate Change. The Final Report presented by the Multisectoral Working Group (GTM NDC) provides the scopes that were obtained in the progress of work obtained regarding adaptation to climate change, as well as the targeting, enabling conditions, responsible, baseline and designed goals for each of the sectors in its product and measurement indicators.

In this context, the DGCCD-MINAM is developing the design and the roadmap for the implementation of the M&E System of adaptation measures, seeking to articulate the various actors responsible for monitoring 151 indicators of the 91 adaptation measures. 

Within the NDC of Fisheries and aquaculture, a coordinated work has been developed with the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), its general directorates and its attached agencies around the M&E of adaptation measures, from 2019 to the first semester of 2020 , including the General Directorates of Fisheries and Aquaculture Environmental Affairs (DGAAMPA), Artisanal Fisheries (DGPA), Aquaculture (DGA) as well as the Peruvian Sea Institute (IMARPE) and the National Fund for Fisheries Development (FONDEPES). In this way, the sector has a Tentative Programming of the NDC in adaptation, technical sheets of indicators revised and strengthened of the 18 adaptation measures.  

In the first semester of 2020, the operational models (flow diagrams) and the pilot prototype for the M&E of 5 selected adaptation measures were developed, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the aforementioned directorates and attached agencies. For the pilot, the prioritization and selection of these measures, the development of the frames and the procedures, as well as the testing of the prototype's operation were contemplated.  

Considering the above, this work gives continuity and strengthens the activities and stages defined in the roadmap for the development of the Monitoring and Evaluation System of adaptation measures (Annex 1), in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the Framework Law on Climate Change. The roadmap includes 4 phases: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development and (4) Implementation. To date, DACCD-MINAM has promoted activities whose results are completed in phases 1 and 2. The services required in these terms of reference are located in the transition between phase 2 of design and the beginning of Phase 3: Development of the M&E System for adaptation measures, which will also be concluded with the programming of the M&E module of the same pilot thematic area. It is important to point out that this service must use the information from the previously developed pilot prototype, to avoid duplication in those activities corresponding to the update of the diagnosis of the indicator files that are set out in these terms of reference.

The development of the M&E System for adaptation offers a valuable opportunity to contribute to the strengthening of capacities of the sectoral authorities with competences in monitoring, evaluation and reporting of progress in the implementation of adaptation measures, as well as MINAM, in his role as responsible for M&E of the NDCs, and to report on their implementation to the UNFCCC Secretariat.


Objectives/Purpose of the Assignment

Main objective: Prepare the baseline and the progress report in the implementation of the 18 adaptation measures of the Fisheries and aquaculture thematic area. 

Specific objectives

    • Carry out an update of the diagnosis of the indicators of the products and measures of the NCD in adaptation of the thematic area of ​​Fishing and aquaculture.
    • Prepare a baseline report of the indicators of products and measures of the thematic area of ​​Fishing and aquaculture.
    • Prepare a first M&E report of the selected measures of the fishing thematic area.
    • Design the operational model and the pilot prototype for 4 measures selected from the 13 adaptation measures that currently do not have an operational model.


Scope of Work

1.1   Prepare a detailed work plan that includes a schedule of activities and milestones for the development of products / deliverables, as well as the requirements that it identifies as necessary. The schedule should include, as part of the methodology to be followed during the consultancy, working meetings prior to the presentation of the deliverables to share their content, for this purpose it will be coordinated with the DACCD-MINAM.

1.2   Carry out an update of the diagnosis of the technical sheets of indicators of the products and adaptation measures of the NDC of the thematic area of ​​Fishing and aquaculture

This update includes a quick diagnosis of all the indicators of the products and measures of the thematic area of ​​Fishing and aquaculture (18 measures); focusing on those indicators that were not part of the first selection of measures for the M&E pilot prototype.

The technical sheets of the indicators should be reviewed, with emphasis on:

        • Identify and corroborate which direction, body and / or specific instance is responsible for the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the measures.
        • Identify and verify if the indicators are currently being monitored, evaluated and reported, and through what mechanism / platform / system it is reported, as well as the frequency and type of reporting.
        • Identify and consolidate the existing databases of the indicators of the products and measures on the implementation of the measures.


        • Technical sheets of the indicators (annex 2).
        • Deliverables of the consultancy "Situational diagnosis of the M&E processes of the sectors involved in the implementation of the NDC in Adaptation to Climate Change."

1.3   Design the operational model and prototype for the M&E of the selected adaptation measures of the Fisheries and aquaculture thematic area, considering the development of the following sub-activities:

1.3.1 Design a proposal for an operational model of the chain of implementation of the selected adaptation measures, taking into account the different levels of responsibility at the national and sub-national level. With the adaptation measures previously selected by PRODUCE, the operational model will be designed that establishes a flow diagram that identifies the main processes and procedures, from the request for data, loading and data consistency to the reporting of the results of the indicators that will be linked to the system for monitoring adaptation measures. In this regard, the DACCD-MINAM will provide reference inputs for this activity.

For the selection of the second group of 4 MACCs and their indicators for the development of operational models and M&E prototype, the following selection criteria should be considered:

        • The measure indicator could be similar to one of the indicators currently reported associated with any of the Budgetary Programs or other mechanism within the sector that has information on results.
        • The measure indicator must have data sources (database, reports) of both physical and financial progress.
        • The indicator has the identification of the current responsible actors (coordinator and / or specialists) of the instances involved in the implementation of the measure and the management and processing of the indicator data.
        • The measure preferably has information on the enabling conditions to make the indicator operational.
        • The measure has the availability of information such as studies carried out on risks (vulnerability, dangers and exposure), losses and damages due to the effects associated with climate change, or that allow the targeting of adaptation measures.

The information is required to be corroborated with respect to each criterion.

1.3.2 Develop the prototype for monitoring and evaluation of the selected adaptation measures of the forest thematic area and test its operation for the preparation of a report. In order to demonstrate the operation of the monitoring information flow regarding the progress and progress in the implementation of the adaptation measures of the Fisheries and aquaculture thematic area and to obtain a follow-up report, the development and running of the operational models and prototype, considering the different levels of responsibility (at the level of line bodies or competent entities) that will be assumed at each stage of the chain of implementation of adaptation measures and indicators. To finally carry out a function test and elaboration of a measurement report of the measurement indicators (5th deliverable). 

1.3.3 Prepare and consolidate a database. The analysis of the activities indicated in points 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 must be reflected in a consistent database, taking as a reference the criteria and coding used in the previous consulting service, whose final deliverable is part of annex 3, or the indications of the DACDD-MINAM.

1.4   Prepare a baseline report of the indicators of the adaptation measures of the Fisheries and aquaculture thematic area. The methodology for the collection, processing, calculation and reporting of the results of the indicators of products and measures, which are currently contained in the technical sheets of the indicators, must be verified or identified and complemented. For which it will be considered:

In collecting information:

    1. The key concepts for the methodology
    2. The method of determination and calculation
    3. The instrument (s) for gathering the information
    4. Description of the quality control measures in the collection of information
    5. and interviews with key professionals who can provide information (if necessary).

In information processing:

    1. Data analysis methods
    2. The instrument (s) and the calculation formula
    3. The limitations of the information gathering 

In addition to containing the elements of information gathering and information processing, the preparation of the baseline report should consider the following elements:

    1. The values ​​and results of the baseline measurement and the analysis of the information collected and processed by each of the indicators (starting point).
    2. The definition of the goals to be achieved for each of the indicators.
    3. The explanation of the baseline and the construction process.
    4. The description of actors involved in the implementation of adaptation measures.
    5. The determination of the attribution of the actors on the measurement results of the measures.
    6. Recommendations for the adjustment of indicators and targets.


        • Technical sheets of the indicators (annex 2).
        • Deliverable 6 of the consultancy "Situational diagnosis of the M&E processes of the sectors involved in the implementation of the NDC in Adaptation to Climate Change" (Annex 3).

1.5   Consolidate and prepare a progress report in the implementation of the NDC Fisheries and aquaculture measures and their enabling conditions considering the period 2018 - 2020 in perspective to the 2021 horizon

This activity must include the consolidation, processing and analysis of information (databases and other sources of information) that allow knowing the level of progress in the implementation of the 18 MACCs and their enabling conditions for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020; and in perspective to the goals established for 2021 (which is the first horizon with a commitment to report to the UNFCCC). It should also include the consolidation and analysis of information on the level of advancement of the enabling conditions for each of the measures.

The progress report must contain a minimum content structure that will be provided by DACCD-MINAM, on which, in addition, a proposal for additional content is expected, according to the needs of the Ministry of the Environment, as well as its own experience. It should also include:

    1. The context of the 2018-2020 reporting period. This includes a summary of the main contexts and / or socio-economic, political, climatic and other factors that occurred in the reference period, which could favor or limit the level of progress in the implementation of the measures.
    2. The consolidation and analysis of progress in the implementation of the enabling conditions for each of the measures. Identifying the action, strategy, initiative, etc. in relation to specific measures.
    3. The inventory of additional and relevant sectoral actions regarding the promotion of the implementation of the enabling conditions and measures. This includes identifying the action, strategy, initiative, etc. that aim to achieve the goals of the measures, specifying which measures it has favored.
    4. The evaluation and analysis for each measure. Summarize the specific corresponding situation and the possible success factors as well as the challenges encountered for the implementation of the measures and their enabling conditions; and the proposals for adjustments / solutions for the next reporting horizon (2025).


Delivery Date


First deliverable (E1): work plan approved by DACCD-MINAM

7 calendar days after signing the contract


Second deliverable (E2): update report of the diagnosis of the technical sheets of the adaptation measures of the thematic area of ​​Fishing and aquaculture, as specified in activity 1.2.

30 calendar days after signing the contract



Third deliverable (E3) containing:

a) Preliminary progress in the development of the operational model and M&E prototype, as well as its operational test of the second group of selected MACCs, as specified in activity 1.3.

b) Preliminary progress of the baseline of the adaptation measures indicators, as specified in activity 1.4.

90 calendar days after signing the contract



Fourth deliverable (E4) containing:

a) Final development of the operational model and M&E prototype, as well as its functional test of the second group of selected MACCs, as specified in activity 1.3.

b) Final baseline report of the adaptation measures indicators, as specified in activity 1.4.

120 calendar days after signing the contract



Fifth deliverable (E5): progress report in the implementation of the NDC Fisheries and aquaculture measures and their enabling conditions considering the period 2018 - 2020 in perspective to the 2021 horizon, as specified in activity 1.5.

150 calendar days after signing the contract



*All deliverables will be in Spanish to be used by the Government of Peru.

** The payment is made once the conformity of the product is granted by the DGCCD and GGGI Peru by e-mail.


Reporting arrangements
  • The Consultant will coordinate their activities with the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification (DGCCD) of the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).
  • It is the responsibility of the Consultant to respect the dates contemplated in these terms of reference, for the performance of the service.
  • Due to covid-19, the consultant is expected to implement the activities from home and, subsequently, move to participate in meetings at MINAM or other ministries' offices, insofar as it is possible and in accordance with official government guidelines


Key considerations
  • Coordination: all consulting activities will be led by the DACCD of MINAM, who will coordinate with the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture Environmental Affairs (DGAAMPA) and with the representatives of the directorates and affiliates of the Ministry of Production-PRODUCE with competencies in the implementation, M&E and reporting of the adaptation measures of the NDC Fisheries and aquaculture, such as the General Directorate of Artisanal Fisheries (DGPA), the General Aquaculture Directorate (DGA), FONDEPES and IMARPE.
  • Meetings and Workshops: for the successful development of the activities described below, it will be necessary to develop work meetings and two (02) socialization workshops with the key actors involved with the implementation of the NDC in adaptation of Fisheries and aquaculture. Work meetings and workshops will be convened in coordination with MINAM with the logistical support of the consultant or consulting team. The latter will work with DACCD-MINAM to develop the methodology for the meetings and workshops in order to achieve the desired objectives. For each meeting and workshop, the consulting team will prepare a detailed record of the conclusions in order to verify the contributions of the actors. Both the work meetings and the workshops will be held virtually or, if the conditions of the country allow it and it is accepted by MINAM and PRODUCE, in person as long as all the safety guidelines and recommendations that for the realization are met. of this type of meeting, whether issued by the government or, failing that, international institutions such as the World Health Organization, following those that are more rigorous. The expenses corresponding to the potential face-to-face workshops (rental of premises, materials, snacks, etc. are included in the budget for the work to be carried out in this consultancy. In any case, the Ministry of the Environment will seek to provide a meeting room for workshops if conditions exists.
  • Products: all the products that are generated in the development of the service must be included in a digital repository with the sources of primary and secondary, empirical, technical and scientific information used. Likewise, it must have appropriate means of verification including records of participants in meetings and / or workshops, minutes, notes, photos, or other documents as evidence of information.


  • Academic training: Professional in Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biology, or other related. With postgraduate studies in public management or strategic planning or monitoring and evaluation of processes, products and results.
  • General experience: minimum of 05 years in the design, development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation tools in order to measure the indicators of processes, products and results.
  • Specific experience: minimum of 03 years in the design and management of online information systems in planning, monitoring and evaluation, as well as proven knowledge of the NDC adaptation measures.
  • Accreditation: the requested profile will be accredited with a simple copy of the professional title, certificates, titles, certificates, contracts, orders and conformities or any other documentation that reliably demonstrates the supplier's experience.


Additional Information

  • Contract duration: September 2020 - January 2021 (full-time)
  • Contract value: up to USD 28,050 (dependent on candidate's credentials)


Date to close is Korean Standard Time (KST). Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Applications and CVs must be sent in English.  

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