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Assc Programme Officer


  • Organization: UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Location: Kabul
  • Grade: Junior level - P-2, International Professional - Internationally recruited position
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Project and Programme Management
  • Closing Date: Closed

This vacancy is opened in the context of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) scheme sponsored by the Government of the USA and is addressed exclusively to candidates WITH THE US NATIONALITY ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT.

The position will work among other members of the team which includes the Senior Programme Officer who is the supervisor of the position. In the programme section there are 4 national staff with clear reporting lines. The incumbent will be expected to contact local Partners and well as internal communication with the UNHCR Regional Bureau in Bangkok. The JPO will supervise 1 national staff, depending on his/hers abilities, to be asessed by supervisor.


Accountability (key results that will be achieved)

Based on the outlined objectives of the programme section, the incumbent will be expected to contribute to the success of donor tracking of earmarked contributions. Compliance with financial reporting is important.

Responsibility (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)
- Support in assessing and analysing the needs of persons of concern in a participatory manner, using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective as basis for planning.
- Provide support on programmatic aspects of developing multi-year protection and solutions strategies and annual plans with corresponding priorities taking into account corporate priorities.
- Support Results Based Management and programme capacity in light of evolving requirements, programming approaches and gaps.
- Assist the planning process in compliance with planning parameters outlined in the Programme Manual and the planning instructions.
- Support the revision and analysis of plans, mid-year and year-end reports of UNHCR office(s) in the Area of Responsibility AoR), ensure quality assurance and compliance with established policies, guidelines, procedures and standards.
- Assist in the provision of overall direction to broaden partnerships with key stakeholders in order to maximize the protection and solutions response for   persons of concern.
- Provide support to ensure a consistent application of the framework for implementing with partners, including the effective implementation of the policy on selection and retention of partners, management of partnership agreements, risk-based project performance monitoring, and risk-based project audits, among others.
- Contribute to ensure consistent and coherent monitoring approaches, tools and systems across the region, in line with global standards and polices.
- Actively contribute to UNHCRs programming of community of practice and continuously contribute to improvements of programming tools and processes.
- Oversee a timely and effective follow-up of internal and external audits observations and recommendations that relate to programmatic issues.
- Perform other related duties as required.

Authority (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)

The JPO will seek for guidance before making decisions.


EDUCATION/QUALIFICATION: University degree in Economics, Business Administration, Social Sciences or other relevant field. The degree must have been obtained in an accredited institution listed under

WORK EXPERIENCE: 3 years relevant experience with under-graduate degree, or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree, or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree.

MG-Project Management
PG-Results-Based Management
PG-Experience with coordinating with Implementing Partners (Governmt/INGO/NGO/Corporate)
DM-Data Management


Demonstrated experience in coordination within an inter-agency context and other actors, in a refugee or humanitarian context is not required for the position but is a strong asset. Further desirable but not required skills include sound experience in program management training and capacity building activities, as well as s knowledge of UNHCR's Programmes. REQUIRED COMPETENCIES

Code Managerial Competencies               

M001: Empowering and Building Trust
M002: Managing Performance
M006: Managing Resources

Code Cross-Functional Competencies      
X001: Analytical Thinking
X005: Planning and Organizing
X008: Stakeholder Management LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE

- Essential: English,     
- Desirable: SUPERVISION: The JPO will be under the direct supervision of the manager indicated under `Supervisor title and position number¿.  The supervisor will be responsible for the performance evaluation of the JPO. The manager will also ensure that the JPO is provided a thorough induction and orientation briefing, followed by on-the-job training as well as continuous guidance for training/learning opportunities throughout the assignment. In support to the manager, the JPO Unit provides the Supervisory Guidelines upon recruitment/reassignment of the JPO. TRAINING COMPONENTS AND LEARNING ELEMENTS

- Mandatory training courses:
1. Basic Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
2. Advanced Security in the Field  (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
3. Protection Induction Programme (PIP)
4. UN Course on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
5.    Orientation to IPSAS

- Recommended training courses
-Programme Management Certification Programme in Programme Management (CP-PM)
-Project management


Programme Management Certification Programme in Programme Management (CP-PM)
The assignement will  be an opportunity for JPO to learn how are project management skills applied in practice to mitigate risks and resolve implementation challenges in complex operational context. JPO wil also learn about centrality of programme management function, importance of coordination and complementarity of external relations and programme work. In view of UNHCR's transition to new RBM in 2021, JPO will have the opportunity to participate in implementation of new RBM elements, incluidng trainings and practical tasks. LIVING CONDITIONS AT THE DUTY STATION

Housing/accommodation: Available in highly secured compound that serves as both office and accommodation for UN Staff only. Additional services such as food, laundry are proivded at a fee.

Health care: Provided by the UN Joint medical services and International Iqarus facility with additional medical evacuation plan in place

Educational facilities: Education is for local programmes. At international level is the American University and Bristish Council for short courses.

Security: High-risk duty station. Complemented by 6 weeks R&R

Other: International visa card and ATM machines available on the UN compound Please note that the closing date for this JPO advertisement is Wednesday 31 March 2021 (midnight Geneva time).
This vacancy is now closed.