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Job vacancies at Cool Earth Action

Climate impact research over the last decade shows that people who live in the rainforest have historically been the best at shaping and stewarding these ecosystems.

As part of our work, we give cash to communities directly. This is essential in the fight against deforestation in a time where indigenous peoples are excluded from climate and conservation funding altogether.

The positive impact on rainforest health when people live there is clear to see in indigenous territories. By working with indigenous peoples and local communities living in rainforest and with your support, we help to keep rainforest standing.

We measure our impact on rainforest and climate by learning from our outcomes, the small wins, and the challenges.

By doing this, we become a better organisation. Monitoring activities and evaluating our programmes helps us to understand where we are right now. How close we are to where we want to be, and how best to get there.

We would love to give detailed data on each specific tree, in each forest, in each area, and how it has been protected through our work. But in reality, the world is not that simple.

We work in remote places with diverse people, dynamic economies, and complex ecosystems. These are all constantly changing in response to the rest of the world.

Giving credit for stopping deforestation in the places we work solely to Cool Earth doesn’t do justice to the people we support.