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Job vacancies at VOICIFY - European Forum For Youth with Lived Migration Experiences

VOICIFY - The European Forum for Youth with Lived Migration Experience aims to be the voice of youth with lived migration experiences in the EU and their self-led organisations, standing up for their rights, needs and interests, including their rights to organise and participate politically.

VOICIFY advocates for fair participation and inclusion policies and strives for European societies where youth with lived migration experiences are included as an integral part of Europe, empowered and encouraged to achieve their full potential.

VOICIFY represents 35 member organisations based in 16 different EU Member States and more than 100.000 Y.R.E.M.A.S.U.D. (Young Refugees, Exiled, Migrants, Asylum Seekers & Undocumented).

VOICIFY develop the capacities of its member organisations, and advocate for their rights and interests at the European and International level.

VOICIFY has carried the first EU-wide consultation of YREMASUD led organisations, identifying key challenges to political participation for YREMASUD and proposing concrete policy recommendations.