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Associate Field Officer


  • Organization: UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Location: Asosa
  • Grade: Junior level - P-2, International Professional - Internationally recruited position
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Civil Society and Local governance
    • Protection Officer (Refugee)
  • Closing Date: Closed

This vacancy is opened in the context of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) scheme sponsored by the Government of the USA and is addressed exclusively to candidates WITH THE US NATIONALITY ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT.

The Junior Professional Officer will work as part of the Field Protection team and will have the opportunity to assist with the coordination of quality, timely and effective protection responses to the needs of populations of concern; and identification of opportunities to mainstream protection methodologies and integrate protection safeguards in operational responses in all sectors through rights/community-based approaches.
Tsore camp is located about 27 kms from Assosa. It was officially set up in November 2015. It hosts 15,991 refugees as of 31 May 2020. 
The presence of an international staff responsible for Tsore Refugee camp is of utmost importance in order to maintain UNHCR presence in Tsore refugee camp and ensures adequate protection of and assistance for refugees in line with UNHCR guiding principles through daily field visits, making direct contact with persons of concern, host communities, local authorities and partners.


Accountability (key results that will be achieved)

- The protection needs of populations of concern are met through the application of International and National Law, relevant UN/UNHCR protection standards and IASC principles.
- Effective and timely support is provided to the formulation of a clear and coherent protection strategy, which incorporates a thorough age, gender and diversity (AGD) analysis and reflects the Organization¿s global, regional and country level priorities.
- The Participation of persons of concern is assured through continuous assessment and evaluation using participatory, rights and community based approaches.
- Protection incidents and gaps in assistance are immediately identified and addressed.

Responsibility (process and functions undertaken to achieve results)
- Stay abreast of political, social, economic and cultural developments that have an impact on the protection environment and provide advice to senior management.
- Support UNHCR¿s consultative process with local government counterparts, partners and persons of concern for effective needs assessment and planning.
- Facilitate UNHCR¿s responses in addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) priorities and other specific protection needs of women and men, children, youth and older persons, persons with disabilities, minority groups such as sexual minorities and persons living with HIV/AIDS.
- Manage individual protection cases including those on SGBV and child protection.
- Monitor the integrity of UNHCR operations management standards and procedures in the AOR and facilitate the respect of deadlines.
- Maintain protection presence through regular field missions and reports, making direct contact with persons of concern, host communities, local authorities and partners.
- Monitor and report on the protection, security and safety situation of persons of concern.
- Facilitate and monitor programmes on an AGD basis to address identified protection needs.
- Support communities in establishing representation and coordination structures. Promote confidence building and conflict resolution among populations of concern, authorities and host communities.
- Provide advice and guidance on protection issues to internal and external interlocutors; ensure legal assistance is accessible to persons of concern; liaise with competent authorities to ensure the issuance of personal and other relevant documents and services to persons of concern.
- Contribute in developing and implementing an education plan for the AOR as part of the protection strategy.
- Intervene in cases of refoulement, expulsion, arbitrary deprivation of nationality, and other protection incidents through close working relations with governments and other partners.
- Assess resettlement needs and apply priorities for the resettlement of individuals and groups of refugees and other persons of concern.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
- Support the effective systematization and management of data to enhance monitoring, response and evaluation mechanisms.
- Contribute to initiatives to build the capacity of local partners and civil society through training and other initiatives to protect persons of concern.

Authority (decisions made in executing responsibilities and to achieve results)

- Endorse field protection documents for submission to senior management.
- Chair protection meetings with partners.
- Intervene with authorities on protection issues.
- Enforce compliance with, and integrity of, standard operating procedures.
- Negotiate with local counterparts, partners and populations of concern.


EDUCATION/QUALIFICATION: - University degree in law, international law, international relations, political sciences, social sciences or related fields of discipline. The degree must have been obtained in an accredited institution listed under  

3 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree in child protection, gender, SGBV or human rights.
- Experience in the humanitarian field
- Experience in working with conflict affected populations
- Experience in programming, coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

- Excellent drafting skills.
- Computer literacy including database management skills.
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
- Flexibility and diplomacy


- Experience in advocacy, public relations or communication campaigns.
- Familiarity with the UN System
- Diverse field experience REQUIRED COMPETENCIES

Code Managerial Competencies               

M001: Empowering and Building Trust
M003: Judgement and Decision Making

Code Cross-Functional Competencies      
X001: Analytical Thinking
X004: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
X007: Political Awareness LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE

- Essential: English, English - Written, spoken , read and understood at least at C1 level
- Desirable: Arabic The JPO will be under the direct supervision of the manager indicated under `Supervisor title and position number¿.  The supervisor will be responsible for the performance evaluation of the JPO. The manager will also ensure that the JPO is provided a thorough induction and orientation briefing, followed by on-the-job training as well as continuous guidance for training/learning opportunities throughout the assignment. In support to the manager, the JPO Unit provides the Supervisory Guidelines upon recruitment/reassignment of the JPO. TRAINING COMPONENTS AND LEARNING ELEMENTS

- Mandatory training courses:
1. Basic Security in the Field (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
2. Advanced Security in the Field  (NB: needs to be retaken every 3 years)
3. Protection Induction Programme (PIP)
4. UN Course on Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority
5.    Orientation to IPSAS

- Recommended training courses
Preventing Sexual Eploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
Age, Gender and Diversity Approach
Completion of the Protection Learning Programme, RSD- Resettlement Learning Programme.


- Plan projects  / assistance for UNHCR persons of concern using AGDM and multi-functional approach.
- Work with UNHCR partners, including government partners, national and international NGOs in the planning and implementation of UNHCR assistance programmes.
- Use UNHCR co-operate planning and management tools in the design and implementation of projects.
- Ability to understand and implement UNHCR¿s policy and global strategic priorities, such as AGDM, IDP, Statelessness, and HIV/AIDS, in the area of responsibility at appropriate level. LIVING CONDITIONS AT THE DUTY STATION

Housing/accommodation:cAll UNHCR international staff members are living together on a UNHCR compound with individual guesthouses that offer a bedroom with toilet and shower, and shared kitchen. The compound also has a gym.

Health care: Assosa Regional Hospital and other health care facilities are  poorly equipped. The major health threat is malaria.

Educational facilities: There are no international schools in Assosa or the surrounding towns.

Security: Security situation is declining this year, as a result of movement of armed groups in the region and local clashes between tribes occur occasionally. As a result, the security level of Assosa is ranked as Level 3.

Other: Communications systems are not reliable, with frequent breakdowns during the rainy season. No taxis are available, only the tricycle motorcycles, locally called ¿bajaj¿, is available for within town movement. Ethiopian Airlines weekly flights to and from Addis Ababa are scheduled on three days a week. There are four branchs of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia and other private banks, which locally owned. There is only post office. Please note that the closing date for this JPO advertisement is Wednesday 31 March 2021 (midnight Geneva time).
This vacancy is now closed.